Breaking news … Gamze was killed by her boyfriend! The last images of the young woman appeared


Gamze Esgicioğlu, who graduated last year from the Information Security Technology Department of the Uluborlu Vocational School of the Isparta University of Applied Sciences (MYO) and works at a call center in the city, was stabbed in the chest at 06:00 yesterday in the apartment on the third floor of the 4-story apartment in Anadolu Mahallesi. Police and medical teams who came home after the warning found the lifeless body of Esgicioğlu. Police teams detained Gamze Esgicioğlu’s lover, Hasan Böl, and the male suspects, MK, HY, and İ.OB, who were at home during the incident.

The suspects were sent yesterday to the Isparta Palace of Justice after their procedures. While 3 of the suspects were released, Hasan Chapter, who was taken to the Peace Criminal Court, was arrested. In Hasan Böl’s statement, it was stated that after the argument between them out of jealousy, Gamze Esgicioğlu was walking towards him with the knife that he took in his hand and that the blade got stuck in Gamze Esgicioğlu during the fight.


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Gamze Esgicioğlu’s body was handed over to his family from Denizli’s Kale district to be buried last night after the autopsy. Gamze Esgicioğlu’s body was reported to have traces of knives and blows at autopsy.


On the other hand, on the day of the incident, the car that 4 suspected men, including Hasan Böl, arrived at the apartment where Gamze Esgicioğlu was staying, was reflected in the security camera images. In the images, there were moments when the car with license plate 07 FDP 46 went out onto the street where the apartment was located.


On Monday, October 12, around 7:30 p.m., images of Gamze Esgicioğlu and his lover Hasan Böl were revealed together in the market next to the apparatus where the incident took place. The images showed Gamze Esgicioğlu entering the market. When Gamze Esgicioğlu arrived at the front of the market, his lover Hasan Böl was seen heading towards the apartment. Gamze Esgicioğlu, after buying 2 chocolates and 1 pack of cigarettes, came to the front of the market and waited for Hasan’s Department, and after a while Esgicioğlu, who was coming with a dog with him, was reflected in the images that were addressed in the direction they came from.

Latest news ... Hoyuelo was murdered by her lover Latest images of the young woman appeared

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After the autopsy procedures were completed, his family took Gamze Esgicioğlu’s body and brought him to the town of Kale in Denizli. A wedding dress was placed over Esgicioğlu’s coffin, which was brought in front of his father’s house in Demirciler Mahallesi at 11:30. Once the legality was received, the funeral oration was performed here. After the prayer, Esgicioğlu’s body was carried to the cemetery on his shoulders.

Latest news ... Hoyuelo was murdered by her lover Latest images of the young woman appeared

Meanwhile, after her daughter’s funeral, Esgicioğlu’s mother, Ümmühan Esgicioğlu, shed tears and said, “Don’t take my son. ‘My lamb.”

Esgicioğlu’s body was buried in tears in the Demirciler Mahallesi cemetery.

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Latest news ... Hoyuelo was murdered by her lover Latest images of the young woman appeared
