Breaking news: exciting claim in the moon landing project: Somalia for a rocket to the moon …


President Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s national space program announced last week, outlines a new claim on the agenda in the context of moon landing plans. Known for its reports on the Middle East Middle East with EA (MEA) signed by the Ragip Noble news site in Turkey, African countries want to set this target was suggested as a rocket launch base in Somalia.

President Erdogan announced that the Moon program would be developed in two stages. Erdogan, who said: “In the first stage, we will reach the Moon with our own national and unique hybrid rocket that we will fire in a near-Earth orbit in late 2023, and we will make a forced landing,” Erdogan described. second phase with the following words: This time, our goal is to launch our own national rockets. When we complete this stage where we will make a soft landing on the moon, we will become one of the few countries that will be able to carry out scientific activities on the Moon ”.


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EYE Middle East, a subsidiary of Turkey’s 10 years in defense industry technology, plans to spend a large portion of the budget for the space program that will be transferred to the company’s DeltaV space technology, he said. According to the initial plans presented to Erdogan a few years ago, the Deltav company will be the highest spending directorate with a budget of at least $ 600 million (TL 4.1 billion). Deltav president Arif Karabeyoğlu announced that the company produced a rocket engine last year using liquid oxygen and paraffin, an important facility for the space program.


Turkey Space Agency (SUA) budget of 40 million dollars (278.8 million TL) Responding to these criticisms and speaking to a senior Turkish official from Middle East Eye, “OSA’s sole task will be to coordinate the entire program. The expenditure will be made through different government agencies, such as large companies in the defense industry. The Ministry of Defense will also allocate funds “.


Speaking to MEE, the source noted that the program would cost the government at least $ 1.1 billion (TL 7.66 billion). The same sources, Turkey is located in a military base in Somalia, said it plans to build a rocket launch base. According to government calculations, the cost of building and maintaining the launch base will be at least $ 350 million (TL 2.4 billion).


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With Turkey being a major security partner in 2011, one of the world’s largest military training bases is being held in Somalia. The TURKSOM military training base, located in an area of ​​approximately 4 km2 in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, became operational on September 30, 2017. The base trains various classes of military personnel for the Somali army, especially officers and non-commissioned officers.

Statement that excites the moon landing project


The name Somalia was mentioned in the construction of the base for launching rockets into space because it is close to the equator that divides the Earth into two equal parts. Due to this characteristic, it is considered one of the countries suitable for space exploration. Due to this characteristic, France used to establish a base in Somalia for space studies in the 1960s. Speaking to DW Turkish recently, satellite engineer Egemen İmre gave the following answer to a question about the launch base: “For this , the spaceport must be built first. The geography of Turkey is actually not very convenient to reach all orbits. Apart from that for Turkey, for example, it is considered a country like Somalia or so I understand. When I look at the Space Roadmap, I read this between the lines. You have to launch satellites like Göktürk 2 to the north or south. You can launch them from Turkey, but Turksat Do fırlatamazs. It should be close to the equator. This is what orbital mechanics requires. For example, you can launch any type of satellite from Somalia to the Indian Ocean in the direction you want. “

Statement that excites the moon landing project
