Breaking news! 20 thousand 94 people did not comply with the isolation! News


The Interior Ministry announced that 20 thousand 94 people did not comply with the isolation conditions as a result of 3 million 373 thousand 336 inspections carried out since August 22. In addition, it was reported that administrative fines were imposed on 9,974 people / companies and the activities of 178 companies were temporarily suspended.

According to the written statement made by the Ministry; The ‘Provincial / District Outbreak Control Centers (ISDEM), which have been established and put into operation in all governorates and district governorates, in order to ensure that the determined rules and measures taken in the field of struggle against the coronavirus epidemic are controlled effectively, comprehensively and continuously from a single source. In this context, inspections have been carried out for the implementation of the rules determined for individuals and companies, especially compliance with the isolation conditions since August 22, when ISDEM began its activities.


In the statement it was indicated that 3 million 261 thousand 120 of them were audited by the Government / District Governments, “Life fits in the application of the house (HES) or 96 percent of the 116 thousand 291 notices / complaints that reported our citizens to the emergency numbers 112, 155, 156 5 of them, 112 thousand 216 of them were controlled, and in total 3 million 373 thousand 336 control activities were implemented (ex officio + prior notice / complaint) As a result of these inspections, 20 thousand 94 people did not comply with the isolation conditions, the determined norm or It has been determined that 40 thousand 891 people / companies were warned in the field of the first offense, administrative fines were imposed on 9 thousand 974 people / companies in the scope of the second offense and the activities of 178 companies in the scope of three or more offenses were temporarily suspended “.


Stating that the coronavirus continues to affect the world, the following statements were made: “In order to carry out the fight against the coronavirus epidemic successfully as it has been before and to ease the burden on our public staff, especially of our health professionals, all of our citizens and business people; Ministry of Health Coronavirus Science It is of the utmost importance to guarantee that the measures / norms determined by the ministry, public institutions and relevant bodies are followed in accordance with the recommendations of the President of the Republic.
