Breaking minute … Flash development on the murder that shocked the world! New images emerged


New images of Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Quds Force, who was killed by the US airstrike on January 3, were released half an hour before the assassination.

The image released by the Iran-based Tasnim news agency, about half an hour before Soleimani was killed, showed the moments when Kasım Süleymani got off the plane at the airport and entered the building.

The moments leading up to the death of Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who was assassinated in Iraq on January 3, on the instructions of US President Donald Trump, have been published.

Last minute ... Flash development on the murder that shocked the world New images emerged

The footage also showed the moments when Soleimani exited the building and got into his vehicle, which was the target of the airstrike.

Last minute ... Flash development on the murder that shocked the world New images emerged

The moments of the airstrike were also reflected on the camera as the vehicles passed by on the road.


Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, was killed in Iraq’s capital Baghdad on January 3, 2020, by the US airstrike. Iran carried out a missile strike against US bases in Iraq.

The assassination hit the agenda like a bomb in the first days of 2020, and Iran reacted very harshly to statements by US President Donald Trump.

Iran had attacked American bases in Iraq one after another, and after these events, the United States decided to sanction Iranian individuals and companies.

Last minute ... Flash development on the murder that shocked the world New images emerged


General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Quds Force affiliated with the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Army, led Iran’s military operations at many points despite the 2007 UN-imposed international travel ban.

Soleimani, who acts directly under the command of Iranian leader Khamenei, has been the Quds Force commander in charge of Iran’s military intelligence operations abroad since 1998.

Despite an international travel ban imposed by the United Nations (UN) in 2007, Soleimani was managing Iran’s military operations at many points, especially in Syria and Iraq.

“They threaten us with ‘unprecedented’ actions in the world. They can start the war, but we are the ones who will end it,” said Soleimani in a speech Trump delivered in July 2018 on threats of war against Iran. used expressions.

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Soleimani, who was born in Iran in 1957 in a mountainous region of the southeastern Kirman province near the Afghan border, in the village of Rabord, where tribal structures dominate, began working on construction sites to pay off the debt of his father, who was a farmer at a young age.

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Soleimani’s entire educational life, who left his village in the year he graduated from elementary school and joined the Revolutionary Guard Army, was limited to this experience of 5 years of primary school, in addition to the 45 days of military training that he later received.

Kasim Soleimani, who began his military career after the 1979 Iranian Revolution, was accepted into the army after just 45 days of training. Soleimani had his first experience on a military front in Mahabad, in western Iran, against Kurdish armed groups that rebelled after the Iranian revolution.

After the revolution, Soleimani, who attracted attention with his superior efforts in the Iran-Iraq war, successfully managed many operations behind the front lines. At the age of 20, Soleimani, who assumed command of the 41st Sarullah League with the rank of Lieutenant, began rapidly climbing the ladder of his military career with the success he achieved in this war.


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Soleimani provided support to the Northern Alliance, led by Burhaneddin Rabbani, which was fighting the Taliban instead of direct war, after the Taliban killed 7 Iranian diplomats and 1 journalist in the city of Mezar-ı Sharif in 1998 .


Soleimani maintained good relations with the Iraqi Kurdish leaders who fought against Saddam Hussein during the war. Soleimani, who developed relations with armed Shiite groups during the 1991 Gulf War, organized the uprisings of these groups.

Soleimani, who led the Shiites fighting the US military from behind the scenes after Saddam was overthrown in 2003 as a result of the US invasion of Iraq, also played a role in training and arming some Sunni groups.

Soleimani was one of the most important players in the negotiations between the United States and Iran in Iraq while leading the groups that were fighting with the United States. For this reason, Soleimani emerged as a commander with a diplomatic identity in addition to his military identity.

Working closely with Kurdish leaders in the Iraq war gave Soleimani a good basis for establishing special relationships with politicians in Iraq after Saddam.

Qasem Soleimani developed good relations not only with the Shiites but also with Sunni leaders in Iraq. Soleimani, who has close ties to several politicians, including former Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, also helped Shiite leader Muqtada al Sadr reconcile with other political groups. Soleimani also had close ties to Iraq’s Sunni Vice President Osama Nuceyfi and even attended the funeral of the Iranian general’s mother in Tehran in 2013.


Working with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Soleimani also took over Hezbollah’s training and arming during the “33-day July War”, which began in 2006 when Israel attacked Lebanon on the grounds that Hezbollah kidnapped an Israeli soldier.


Thanks to the military strategy that Soleimani provided to Hezbollah and other Shiite militias in the country, Assad’s forces were reinforced and some cities and towns captured by the opposition were brought back under regime control. Hüseyin Hemedani, a deputy for Kasım Süleymani, was assassinated by the terrorist organization DAESH in Aleppo in October 2015.

Soleimani was also at the forefront in establishing and managing the Hashdi Shabi organization, which was established to fight the terrorist organization DAESH in Iraq. He caught the attention of world public opinion with the photographs he took on the front lines against DAESH in Iraq.


The groups that stormed the US embassy in Baghdad earlier in the week after the attack on Hashdi Shabi’s US bases wrote articles on the walls that read “Kasım Soleiman is our leader.”

According to documents from the US Embassy in Baghdad, Soleimani was the person who formulated and implemented all kinds of Iranian policies in Iraq. With no person or unit in between, Qasem Soleimani was directly subordinate to the leader of the Iranian state, Khamenei.


Another person killed in the attack was the deputy chief of the Iranian-backed Shiite militia Hashdi Shabi, Abu Mehdi al-Engineer nicknamed Jamal Jafar Ibrahim. Born in the southernmost city of Basra in Iraq and a graduate of the Department of Civil Engineering at Baghdad University of Technology, the engineer was known as the closest name to Iran and especially Soleimani among the leaders of the militia in Iraq.

The engineer became a member of the Shiite Islamic Cause Party at a young age and left Iraq due to his opposition under Saddam Hussein. The engineer, who also served as a commander in the Iraqi Shiite Badr Brigades organization in Iran, returned to the country with the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and continued his policy as a deputy for a time. The engineer later served as vice president of Hashd al-Shaabi, which was established against DAESH in 2014.
