Bill Gates warns: 200,000 people could die by April 2021


Speaking to CNN, Gates said: “I’m sorry to say that the next four to six months could be the worst of the pandemic. Estimates from the IHME (Health Measurements Evaluation Institute) show that another 200,000 people could die by April 1, 2021. “If we follow the rules of mask and social distance, we can prevent most of these deaths.”

Recalling that he spoke about the possibility of such an epidemic in 2015, Gates said, “I thought the United States could better handle the epidemic. While making my predictions in 2015, I mentioned that the death toll would be higher. The virus may be more deadly than it is now. The worst did not happen. But the economic impact of the epidemic in the United States and the world exceeded my predictions five years ago, ”he said.


Responding to a question about US President Donald Trump’s decree on prioritizing Americans in the distribution of vaccines, he said: “America must help all of humanity. We want the world economy to return. We want to minimize deaths. The basic technology belongs to a German company. Therefore, it was a mistake to avoid international exchange and cooperation ”.

Bill Gates said: “We have to increase the capacity of all vaccines. There will be several more vaccines that will be approved in the coming months and they are easier to scale up. The United States has benefited from the work of other countries. Therefore, we should not be completely selfish, ”he said.

Gates, who said that former US presidents like Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama can have the vaccine in front of the public voluntarily, said this will increase public confidence in the vaccine: “I will do the same. When my turn comes, I won’t back away. When the time comes, I’ll make the vaccine visible. “The best thing for everyone is not to transmit the disease to others.”


According to Forbes, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, of which Bill Gates is one of the co-chairs, has so far contributed $ 1.75 billion to vaccine development and disease-fighting efforts.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the US ranks first in the number of cases and deaths from Covid-19 worldwide. As of today, the number of cases in the country is 16 million 737 thousand. The announced death toll exceeds 306 thousand.
