Bad News for Trump: Pfizer Announced Coronavirus Vaccine Won’t Catch Up with Presidential Election – News


The US pharmaceutical Pfizer announced that it will wait until the third week of November with the best estimate for the official approval application of the new type of vaccine against the coronavirus (Kovid-19).

Pfizer senior executive Albert Bourla posted an “open letter” to the public on the company’s website to address “public confusion about the history of vaccines.”

In the letter, “Let me clearly state that Pfizer will request the use of emergency authorization in the US in the third week of November (for the Kovid-19 vaccine) after reaching a safe stage on the assumption that the data they will remain positive. ” The expression was shared.

In the statement, which noted that the specified timeline is the best estimated date, it was noted that the data will be reviewed by a public panel made up of officials from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and scientists. independent.


US President Donald Trump had previously argued that the Kovid-19 vaccine would be brought up to date before the November 3 presidential election.

Pfzer senior manager Bourla stated in another open letter to his employees on October 5 that they were “on the side of science” regarding the Kovid-19 vaccine and hinted that they would “not give in to political pressure” regarding at the time of the vaccine.

Pfizer, which started stage 3 clinical trials involving 30,000 volunteers in other countries including the US, Argentina and Germany on July 27, submitted an application to the US Food and Drug Administration. (FDA) on Sept. 12 to increase the number of trial participants to 44,000.

The US government made a $ 1.9 billion deal with Pfizer to buy 100 million doses in December, followed by another 500 million doses if the tests were successful.

On the other hand, other US drug companies Johnson and Johnson (J&J) and Eli Lilly announced this week that they stopped the Kovid-19 vaccine and the antibody clinical trials they were conducting due to “safety concerns.”
