Babacan: We are witnessing what we have seen in the political history of Turkey


DEVA Party Chairman Ali Babacan spoke at his party’s 1st Kocaeli City Ordinary Congress. Towards the end of his speech, Babacan joined the Tunceli Provincial Congress, which was held simultaneously.


Criticizing the government’s policies to combat the epidemic with harsh words, Babacan used the following statements;

* I said, ‘Please don’t say’ we did our best, we couldn’t talk to our people. ‘ They said that too. Even yesterday, Erdogan said: “The responsibility lies with the Scientific Committee. Our citizens do not follow the measures, ‘he said.

* The invoice; They could not even bring a report, the number of cases was hidden from them, and not all experts on the subject were adequately represented. Then the citizen. In the fight against the epidemic, they accuse first the Scientific Committee, and then the citizen, as if it were not himself, who hid the facts, did not take the appropriate measures. Our citizen who takes care of his life is guilty even while he is dying.


Saying that screening tests are not commonly done, Babacan said: “If there are no symptoms in those who come in close contact with the patient, the test is not done. We said to establish independent test stations from hospitals in different parts of the cities, but no. After June 1, you relaxed the measures, who made the decision? Did the Scientific Committee make the decision about these, the citizen or you? “He voiced his questions.


Stating that “even the minister in question cannot make a decision in this system”, Babacan continued his words as follows;

* The ministers begin to say “on the instructions of the President of the Republic” when discussing matters in their own fields. Remember the first curfew crisis. One minister said ‘there is a restriction’, the other said ‘there is not’.

* Finally, they waited for the president’s instruction. Everyone knows who is responsible for all the measures not taken against this epidemic. No one should blame the Scientific Committee, especially our citizens, whose information is withheld from them.


* Those who say “the national will” did nothing to the will of the nation. Group vice presidents say, “We are nothing.” A person who could not get even 1 percent of the vote and who supports the darkness of February 28 says ‘My ideas are in power’.

* Our country is governed by a general president with 10 percent of the votes, and the other small partner. Even more surprising, the small partner also manages the internal business of the large partner. Turkey, we are witnessing the panorama that we see in political history.


Turkey, earthquake of August 17, 1999, Babacan recalled that Kocaeli is experiencing the most serious confrontation with the events, “Those who want to transform our Canal resources rant into a bottomless pit like Istanbul, the source will not find reasons to improve the thousand 500 homes at least in Kocaeli? The minister said two years ago that there were 6.7 million homes that needed to be converted. It has been two years, sadly, we lived through the last earthquake in Izmir. Then Mr. Erdogan came out and announced the number of buildings that need to be renovated. How many explained? 6.7 million. Announced the same number. Yahu, what have you done in two years? “she asked.

“We will take all kinds of steps”

Connected to the Tunceli Provincial Congress held simultaneously, Babacan said:

I shout in the presence of my friends from Dersim. We will go to Dersim as soon as possible and have tea with you at Munzur Gözeleri. We know very well the events of the past and we share the pain.

We will build our tomorrow together. We will create a free environment where all our citizens can live up to their beliefs without fear and without peace. We will end all practices that create a feeling of marginalization.

We will take all the necessary steps to resolve the demands of our Alevi citizens, especially the demands of Cem Houses, which have accumulated on the basis of beliefs, thoughts and behaviors. “

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