Artificial intelligence support for herd UAVs


Swarm UAV software was developed, which can be used with both fixed and rotary wing UAVs. Unmanned aerial vehicles in the herd concept will also be able to work with weapons.

Artificial intelligence support for herd UAVs

In the Turkish defense industry software for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has been implemented with the herd concept.

Herd UAV systems, frequently mentioned in the defense industry, provide advantages such as low hardware costs, difficult detection by enemy forces, and asymmetric threat against large platforms.

In this way, tasks that will be performed by a single platform in a long time can be completed in a shorter time, and tasks can be performed in hazardous areas without risking human lives.


While many countries have yet to test this technology in a simulation environment, few countries have herd technology. Turkey, benefited from many operations carried out in the last period, the technology has registered its name among the few countries in this field.

A swarm of UAVs powered by AI ViDEO arrives

AI support for herd UAV # 1


Turkey, the Presidential Defense Industry Department (SSB) is carrying out several projects in herd unmanned aerial vehicle systems in the coordination and effectiveness of this technology that is being carried out to support future development.

Within the framework of the Herd UAV Technological Development and Demonstration Project organized by SSB, it is intended to develop algorithms and software for the use of unmanned platforms in the herd concept with the participation of micro-enterprises and SMEs.


MilSOFT, which has pioneered systems integration and software development since 1998 with its national and national solutions, also entered the SSB technology development contest with the autonomous systems and software for herd technology that it developed, completing successfully the first phase.

MilSOFT has devised a new solution for herd mobility, which attracts a great deal of attention in the world, as a result of studies that it has conducted for about 3-4 years with its own resources.

AI support for herd UAV # 2


The ability to automatically detect targets and identify targets with high success rate and precision through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques with specifically developed image processing algorithms has been offered to personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces during many years.

Working in integration with intelligence / image assessment solutions currently in use, herd UAVs will add additional capabilities to existing intelligence system capabilities by adding additional capabilities such as reconnaissance, detection, reconnaissance, search and rescue, vehicle tracking. and creation of relays.

AI support for herd UAV # 3


UAV flocks can be launched from airplanes and platforms, the images they obtain will enter the aerial image, and the vehicles in the flock will be able to transfer images between units with the relay function. The elements that can escape the human eye will be determined with the support of artificial intelligence, and a multiple attack capability will be obtained by arming the vehicles.

According to another usage scenario that has been studied, with MilSOFT liaison solutions, when commands are given from helicopters, the UAV swarm that accompanies it will be able to carry out a frontal attack and provide operational support.

MilSOFT aims to transfer its ability to swarm to underwater and above-ground platforms and ground vehicles.

AI support for herd UAV # 4


MilSOFT Herd UAV software, which has served successfully in SSB competition, can operate on both fixed and rotary wing UAV platforms. The UAV swarm can fly according to the formation and can instantly change its formation in three dimensions during the mission.

The UAV swarm can operate completely autonomously from the beginning to the end of a mission and can be instantly monitored and controlled in the intelligence applications that MilSOFT delivers to the Turkish Armed Forces.

The herd’s vehicles have a flight time of more than half an hour and a payload capacity of 1 kilogram. The vehicles are powered by landing gears that can land on rough terrain.

AI support for herd UAV No.  5


Although the demonstrations are carried out with 5 vehicles in the field, this number goes up to 25 in the simulation environment. MilSOFT aims to put into operation a herd of UAVs of 50 vehicles with the works to be carried out.

The MilSOFT Herd UAV solution will be able to perform reconnaissance and surveillance in 6 months, and target detection and destruction in 1 year. Herd UAVs will also be able to participate in concepts such as convoy security, patrolling, protection of fixed installations or critical areas.


Communication between UAVs is also provided by MilSOFT’s unique link solutions. Vehicles can communicate with each other up to a distance of 500 meters. When you want to transfer more of the data obtained, there is another 10 kilometer network solution.
