An explanation came about the whale seen in Adana! The second largest species in the world …


Fishermen who sailed to the Mediterranean in the Karataş district by boat to fish, found the wavy whale about 10 miles offshore. The fishermen, who saw the whale approach the boat for a while, wanted to immortalize this moment by enthusiastically hugging their phones. The moments when the whale swam next to the boat were recorded with a cell phone. After a few minutes, the whale disappeared over the side of the boat.

Çukurova University, Faculty of Fisheries, Department of Marine Biology. Dr. Cem Çevik explained that the species of whale seen was ‘balenooptera physalus’ and that it is commonly seen in the Mediterranean, off the Italian and French coasts. Prof. Dr. Çevik said: “They have permanent populations in those regions. We can say the north of the western Mediterranean. On the islands of Sardinia. There is a population around. There is a Mediterranean population. Especially in winter, some of them roam in small groups or one for one. They migrate east for the purpose of feeding. “They return to the west side once they warm up. They may come too often because their observations are usually made on airplanes. We cannot see them. We cannot see them. Because detecting them is reported randomly or by fishermen. Or sometimes they fall to the ground. “

The explanation came about the whale seen in Adana The second largest species in the world ...


Explaining that the adult individuals of the whale species that are seen can measure up to 25-27 meters, Prof. Dr. Çevik said: “The second largest species of whale in the world. The first is the blue whale. they can measure between 15 and 17 meters. It was 10.5 meters what landed here in 2000. It was a small individual, which eventually grew to 27 meters. Especially with small fish, anchovies, jacks, sardines. “They feed by opening their mouth and swallowing in one movement. There is even a lot of plastic in our seas. If there is a lot of plastic in that area, they swallow it together, “he said.

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Noting that the whale does not pose any danger to humans, Prof. Dr. Çevik continued his words as follows:

“Some of these whales are under protection. These kinds of observations are important. From a science point of view, because we can’t make observations with airplanes because there is very little scientific work on this topic, these kinds of findings are important. . Coincidentally, if those friends hadn’t seen this, we wouldn’t have seen it coming and spreading here. Isn’t there someone else on the coast of Turkey whale? ‘ We were going to say ‘no.’ These are important things in terms of recording. “


Explaining that the same species of whale hit Yumurtalık beach in 2000, Prof. Dr. Çevik said: “That whale was also over 10 meters tall. We even made the first intervention. We examined the whale, performed an autopsy. It was announced that this species died of parasites. It is even a skeleton extracted in the garden of the Turkish Marine Research Foundation. ”
