American Healthcare Professional “America Faces Darkest Winter in Modern History” Warning – News story


“If a new national coronavirus epidemic (Kovid-19) doesn’t appear until the fall, the United States will face the darkest winter in modern history,” said Rick Bright, director of the former Advanced Biomedical Research and Development Agency of United States (BARDA). warned.

Members of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy, Commerce and Health held a session on the US administration’s fight against the Kovid-19 outbreak.

Until April, the epidemic and vaccine specialist Dr., who was the director of BARDA but allegedly “dismissed for his criticism of the administration of President Donald Trump.” Bright answered questions that were asked during the session.


Noting that the Trump administration was insufficient in fighting the epidemic, Bright reported that they received warnings from U.S. companies that early stocks of medical equipment, such as masks and gloves, were depleted in early January.

Noting that especially health professionals have repeatedly reported the problem about supplying “N95” masks to their superiors, Bright stated that his warnings were not heeded by statements such as “they are too busy, have no plans or who is responsible for supplying the equipment in question. “

When asked about what warnings he gave the Trump administration, Bright said he warned the administration that the necessary equipment to combat the ongoing epidemic should be increased.

However, in response to my recommendations, they said: “If we feel inadequate, we will provide health care workers with appropriate masks by making changes to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). people shouldn’t wear those masks. “He used the expression

Noting that the high death rate in the US USA In the production of medical devices also plays a role, Bright continued:

“I think the low-quality standards materials that we have to bring from other countries also play a role in deaths. That is, the masks written by our doctors and nurses who work in hospitals do not provide the protection provided by the N95 they comply with. with American standards. “

Claiming that the American people should hear the truth about the epidemic, Bright stressed that the United States administration must urgently develop a comprehensive, national plan to combat the epidemic.

Bright stressed that the United States administration must prepare a science-led plan for all Americans and guide the public through the epidemic. Bright continued as follows:

“We have the best scientists in the world. Let us manage this process. Let us speak without fear of punishment. If we cannot develop a coordinated and science-based national plan, I am afraid the epidemic will worsen and prolong and cause unprecedented disease and death.” America will face the darkest winter in modern history if a national plan is not presented. “

Defending that it would take more than 18 months to find an effective vaccine against the Kovid-19 virus, Bright said the vaccine should not be rushed into the development process and that the effects of the vaccine will not be exactly known if critical processes are omitted.


The US Office of Health and Human Services Oversight. USA (HHS) reacted to Bright’s statements in a written statement.

In the statement, the following were recorded:

“Dr. Bright, who does not receive an annual salary of $ 285,000 in public taxes, is working with bilateral attorneys to turn the Kovid-19 fight into a political event. His statements are one-sided and full of misinformation. HHS, Whoever reviewed these complaints and claims certainly does not agree with their definitions. “
