Alleged Israeli attack by the Assad regime – NEWS


The Assad regime’s SANA news agency claimed that Israeli helicopters carried out air strikes over certain areas in the southern region of Syria through the occupied Golan Heights.

The report says that the material damage occurred as a result of the attack. In the Dera and Kuneytra provinces in the south of the country, it is known that the regime’s army, as well as terrorist groups under the command of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and especially elements of Lebanon Hezbollah.

According to the AA news; The Assad regime claimed that Israel attacked near the capital Damascus on April 27, the Tedmur region (Palmira) east of Humus province on April 20 and east of Humus on March 31.

Israeli Defense Minister Naftali Bennett, in a written statement on April 28, said: “We have gone through the strategy of preventing Iran from settling in Syria, and we will not give it up.” he used expressions.

Since 2011, when the civil war began, Israel has been attacking groups backed by Iran and regime military points in Syria.
