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Former soccer referee and commentator Ahmet Çakar used the expressions “Make your right legal. Thank you all” in his post on his social media account.
Former soccer referee and commentator Ahmet CakarThe exchange made by the Twitter account of the social media platform became the agenda on social media.
Çakar in his post “,Halal your right. Thank you allhe wrote.
While it is unknown why Çakar made this post, some users on social media interpreted this post as leaving the show Çakar was commenting on.
Ahmet Çakar told the referee that he met with an active referee on the show he was commenting on.They will not make Fenerbahçe championHe claimed that he said and expressed this on various other shows.
‘I am not selling this referee’
After Çakar’s statements FenerbahceThe Turkish Football Federation (TFF) had requested to investigate the allegations and announced the results.
Following the call from Fenerbahçe, Çakar said, from his social media account, “Even if I was tortured, I would not sell this referee, I would not give his name“He said. Finally, in the statement made by TFF,”In order to carry out the necessary investigation into the allegations that Ahmet Çakar brought to the agenda for later occasions, Istanbul Attorney Generalmade a request to“Expressions were used.