A zero is missing from the 100 lire delivered by the customer in Bursa


When Ramazan İlçin, the operator of the cafe in Bursa, saw that a zero was missing above 100 lira, he took it to the bank and checked it.

A zero is missing from the 100 lire delivered by the customer in Bursa

Defective coins that have proliferated in Turkey published by the Central Bank.

Ramazan İlçin, who runs a café in Bursa’s İnegöl district, noticed one of these coins.

While calculating in his cage at night, he saw that a zero was missing from the 100 lira note.

At first he thought the money would be fake, but was shocked when he saw that the money was real after checking it.


Ramazan İlçin, the owner of the company, who made a statement on the matter, “Last night, while I was collecting the bills, something caught my attention while I was counting the money. I’m counting the money, one is missing a zero comment number caught my attention, I put it back in my pocket to see if I was tired. In the morning I looked at the bank again. People are very curious about money, they come to see it, they take pictures. “ said.

100 lira delivered by the customer is a zero missing ViDEO

In Bursa, a zero is missing from the 100 lira delivered by customer # 1

In Bursa a zero is missing from the 100 lire delivered by customer # 2
