‘A software has been created to inform the school administrator via SMS’


National Education Minister Ziya Selçuk, EBA Live Lecture “Live lessons can be given from 08:30 in the morning to 20:20 at night.” said.

Selçuk met with parents in a live broadcast on his Instagram account in a classroom and answered questions from families about the educational process.

Remembering that very serious measures have been taken regarding the cleaning of schools, vocational secondary schools, public education centers, and science and art centers, the tools, equipment, cleaning materials and masks that the country needs are produced. combat the epidemic, Selçuk said that all schools “Improve hygiene conditions in educational institutions and infection prevention control guide.” He stressed that it is inspected according to.

Stating that information studies on shifts, gardening, breaks for teachers and a guide for parents have been repeatedly conducted, Selçuk said: “There is also serious work on the Student Information Guide on adapting Our students. When the school opens, we already call the program an ‘integration program’ “the contents are also related to this”. shared his knowledge.

Selçuk pointed out that it was a difficult moment in world history, which can be seen every 100 years, and stressed that it is a great and high duty for them to serve the nation in this process.

Claiming that they prepared simulations observing the world on situations in which there is no risk, Selçuk pointed out that almost all European countries open schools full time.

A round of controls in Turkey according to the recommendations of scientists, “2 plus 5” to those who preferred the rule, and the children of parents who want school can remind the Minister of Selcuk, EBU TV and said the number of countries capable of offering distance education services through EB does not exceed 3 in the world.

Selçuk mentioned that they are trying to increase the number of EBA Support Centers, which currently exceed 7 thousand, to 20 thousand.

EBA live lessons are extended to elementary students throughout the day

Ziya Selçuk, who also provided information on the new app that will start on the EBA’s live lesson system for grades 1-4, said:

“Live lessons can be carried out anytime from 08:30 AM to 20:20 PM. Our teachers and colleagues can use it anytime. Our parents, of course, can participate in this study. Maybe our parents can have a meeting with parents after that time because they can find the opportunity to meet more easily after returning from work. or meetings with the teacher. So we provide every opportunity, we do not limit only 1-2 hours for the mornings. We take it out all day. “

Minister Selçuk emphasized that they are trying to surround all children and give opportunities to all children with the applications they have implemented for face-to-face and distance education.

“The connection between the teacher and our son must be established”

Minister Selçuk noted that he saw children in resorts, parks and bazaars and emphasized that the environment provided in the school was the most controlled environment and that all precautions were taken with great care.

Referring to the works prepared for the adaptation of children, Selçuk said: “We want our children to be in school so that they feel comfortable in terms of mental health. Why do we want it? First grade is a period in which our children meet their teachers and their school for the first time and they sit in line. That’s why we want the parents of all our students to meet their teachers at school. ” I speak.

Selçuk advised parents who did not attend face-to-face education to attend the interview by making an appointment with the teachers, and continued his words as follows:

“What matters to us in the first grade of primary school is not the academic content. We complete the academic content anyway. We have done many national and international projects in the past. In these projects, we have seen that children of a certain age can overcome all their learning disabilities in the past if the necessary environment is prepared.

There is no problem here, but if there is no emotional bond between the child and the teacher, if the spiritual bond between the child and the teacher is not established, then we are experiencing difficulties and losses. The connection between the teacher and our child must be established and the child must establish a solid relationship with the school. You must build on that. “

Selçuk recalled that textbooks also go to schools.

Software was created to provide instant information to the school administrator via SMS.

After his speech, the Minister of National Education, Selçuk, answered questions from parents on Instagram. Regarding the questions about face-to-face education, he stated that special software for the HES application was prepared with the Ministry of Health, and when a person in the school has a health problem, taking into account the HES codes, the system will automatically receive information on the phone of the school administrators via SMS.

Selçuk stressed that it will be easier to take action with this software.

In another question, Selçuk said: “Our students will be given masks. Our parents, of course, will send the children from home with masks, you may want to put on a spare mask, but we will also give our students masks, all of us. our employees, staff, teachers in our schools. In this sense, we have no problem. ” found in the description.

Recalling that measures were also taken for social distance in classrooms and availability was cut in half, Selçuk said that as measures are taken in schools and how teachers embrace this work, parental anxiety will decrease. and your confidence will improve.

Parents will be given a book of activities, exercises and work

Minister Selçuk stated that in response to the question of what to do with the integration training, a guide was prepared to alleviate children’s concerns, the necessary infrastructure was established and psychological counselors were made available.

Selçuk noted that an adaptation program was created that aims to relax and calm children in a fun way with games. It is also a very comforting practice for us to offer this resource for the first time outside of the textbook. ”He spoke on the form.

Noting that the EBA’s technical infrastructure has also been strengthened 27 times and will be further strengthened, Selçuk emphasized the importance of controlled progress in this process on the question of when other levels will open.

Selçuk, “When will we open it? When they tell us ‘the risk has decreased, you can open these classes’, we will evaluate this problem.” He spoke in the form. Selçuk also suggested to parents of students whose education was interrupted in March and starting second grade this year, meet with their teachers by making appointments at schools, getting guidance support from schools, and not leaving contact with schools.

– “If you worry, your children will worry more.”

Minister Selçuk said:

“As our parents Ziya Teacher, I have a special request; if you are worried, your children will be much more worried. Please do not share your worries too much with your spouse or friend in the presence of our children. Of course you talk about the details and technical details of the epidemic, but your children do not need to know much. Let them know that, as parents, we are in the monitoring of this business, we try to take the necessary measures. The Ministry of National Education, the state is making great efforts to take all kinds of precautions every day, every hour, every minute. We are trying to do it with great devotion. “

“Please don’t go into the school, into the classrooms”

Regarding the face-to-face training that will begin tomorrow, Minister Selçuk asked the parents the following:

“Please don’t go into the school, into the classrooms. This is very important. We need a very quiet and comfortable start. We don’t want our children and teachers to take risks. We want to do controlled work in a controlled environment. But everyone does. our parents come to the classrooms, they fill the school, we cannot do that control as we want. So please wait outside the school garden. Know that we are in charge of this work, we are behind this work. We are well prepared and we are with you in all your problems. “
