A new era in chip ID cards begins


Soylu, who participated in the on-line inauguration of the project “The future will be formed at home” carried out by the Aksaray Young Inventors Association of Science and Art, reported on the technological infrastructure of the Ministry of the Interior and explained the projects carried out.

When specifying that 35 million citizens receive the service of the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship annually, Soylu recalled that the driver’s license and passport services that were previously provided by the police headquarters were provided through the population administrations with an application revolutionary.

Soylu said identity cards have also changed in this process, and now the project to combine driver’s license information with chip ID cards will begin on Friday. Minister Soylu stated the following:

“As of Friday, if Allah grants, we start it. We load the driver’s license on our identity. That is, our citizens will no longer have to carry both their driver’s license and their identity card. Our police will not say ‘yes no He has a license, I’ll write him a punishment. ” We will include bank cards, SGK and health information. We have a high capacity to provide a card with fingerprints and biometric images. “

112 emergency call centers will be implemented in all 81 provinces in 2021

Stating that the 112 Emergency Call Center project, which brings together emergency call numbers under one roof, shows itself with a finger on the world, Soylu said that the system has been successfully implemented in 45 provinces. Soylu explained that the application will be rolled out in all 81 provinces in June 2021.

Noting that the system, which has home software, will instantly transmit all notifications to units related to artificial intelligence, Soylu emphasized that a major project will also be successfully implemented.

Soylu, like the Ministry of the Interior, also gave information on the work carried out through e-Government, indicating that it is working to complete a project in which borders and coasts will be controlled with electronic security systems in 2021.

Stating that 51 services were provided through the e-government system when he took office, Soylu stressed that today this number has risen to 435.

Recalling that according to the Ministry of the Interior, 2,857 documents were requested from the citizens for various transactions, Soylu said that 2020 of these documents are no longer requested with the works carried out in about 3 years, and that studies are continuing to transfer other documents to the Government Electronic.


“Center for Coordination of Security and Emergencies” is a center founded with the name and Nobles stated that she started working in a few months, “Turkey is all the locations of all the cameras, police and traffic are connected and indeed here They are also putting in place an extraordinary mechanism that can be transferred to the corresponding department in the Presidential Office. I hope it is completed and finished. ” I speak.

TÜRKSAT Chairman of the Board Prof. Dr. Kemal Yüksek gave a talk on “Artificial Intelligence”.
