While the popular Survivor 2020 competition program continues at full speed, the latest developments regarding the competition are followed. Especially, the allegations about Aycan Yanaç, who is on Ünlüler’s team, were confused. While trying to unravel the behind-the-scenes message from the AYÖ encrypted message, the claim that the audience made and that Hakan Hatipoğlu shared on his Twitter account was on the agenda. According to what is said; Survivor Aycan collects her hair at the council if they lose their immunity game, and she opens her hair if they win. Family members who saw him in the trailer were said to have known this in advance and therefore figured out which team won and which team lost. Is there any explanation for this crash claim? Will survivor Aycan Yanaç be disqualified?
Hakan Hatipoğlu, one of the former Survivor contestants, who also hosted the Survivor Panorama program, shared his Twitter account.
“There is a claim; if Aycan loses his immunity, they collect the hair at the council, if they win, the hair is open. The team that saw this in advance knows which team lost it in advance. I didn’t pay attention to it.”
After these affirmations, the answers to many questions, such as whether Survivor Aycan will be disqualified or if information leaks abroad, have been curious.
Here are all the details on the subject!