Unlike the seasonal flu in which millions of people are trapped each year, is the coronavirus epidemic, which creates a much larger panic environment, more dangerous than the flu? Today we will explain why the coronavirus is more dangerous than the seasonal flu in 4 items.
Becoming the world’s top agenda since late 2019 Covidien-19 pandemic, why is it so scary? Almost every year flu The COVID-19 epidemic, which has been repeatedly mentioned as less lethal than the epidemic (influenza), really kills less?
In the CNN International news, based on information received from experts, taking large-scale action against the COVID-19 outbreak. 4 reasons It was announced. Today we will explain in 4 points why the coronavirus is a more terrible epidemic than a normal influenza epidemic. Let’s start if you are ready:
Coronavirus is more contagious
An average person with the flu 1.28 people infects the disease In coronavirus this rate Between 2 and 3It can even go as high as 30, according to the statement by Health Minister Koca. This allows the coronavirus to spread much faster.
Coronavirus leads life faster
COVID-19 virus compared to influenza can much faster taking. According to data published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. USA, Between October 2019 and April 2020 331 daily average he was dying of the flu. The coronavirus is in the United States. USA Between February 6 and April 30. 739 daily average made her die.
Coronavirus symptoms show up later
Second wave warning for Harvard University coronary virus
One of the main reasons why the coronavirus is more contagious is that it shows its symptoms much later. A person suffering from a normal flu pandemic begins to show symptoms within one to four days. Normally this number 2 days It does not. In COVID-19, this number is at least 4-5 days. Up to 14 days It can take so long. The person who feels healthy because they have no symptoms transmits the virus to more people.
There is a vaccine for the flu but not for the coronavirus.
There are many different vaccines for the flu epidemic that we are used to living together for many years. There is currently no vaccine for the coronavirus. This allows the epidemic to spread much faster.
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