They organized a party of 500 people, they offered social media content as an excuse.


Approximately 500 people, mostly tourists, gathered in Üsküdar on the grounds that “we are filming an entertainment scene for a channel that produces content on social media”, ignoring coronavirus bans and organizing a party. Police raided the 4-story entertainment venue in the Kuzguncuk district, Gümüş Yolu Caddesi, around 03:30 following the tip.

As the police tried to enter the entertainment venue, which had all doors closed, some 500 people, mostly tourists, tried to escape through the back door. The police were in awe of the crowd they saw. Those who could not escape from the entertainment venue hid in secret compartments, under tables, bathrooms, and behind curtains. Police noted that the hallway, where the door was opened with an emergency exit door, was covered with chairs and tables during their examination inside the premises. Passing this corridor closed with chairs and tables, the police reached the door that led to the terrace floor. Upon entering the terrace floor, the police found a group of about 100 people sitting in silence.

Surprised WHERE TO GO

The crowd, suddenly seeing the police in front of them, headed for the rear exit where the group escaped before them. Ignoring police warnings, he crossed the wire fences and disappeared into the crowded trees that climbed into the wooded area next to the Nakkaştepe millet garden. The police were insufficient to arrest those who escaped into the forest. A large number of police teams were dispatched to the scene requesting reinforcements. With the reinforcements that arrived, the police began an operation to catch those who escaped. Approximately 100 people caught in a search in and around the forest were treated on the grounds that they did not comply with the coronavirus measures and violated the curfew.

As police continued their operations inside the entertainment venue, a group that came out the front door wanted to leave the scene. Meanwhile, the night watchmen waiting at the gate wanted to prevent them. Then there were discussions between the parties. To escape, a person from the group shouted: “The head of the guards is my uncle, I will burn them all.” He then spoke on his cell phone and asked for help. However, the punishment could not escape by eating.

People fleeing trying to find a taxi on the road were photographed

When the police first arrived at the scene, some of those who escaped through the back door were seen trying to find a taxi or any vehicle in the surrounding streets. A woman looking for a taxi said: “I’m going home, my shirt is in pieces, my socks are caught in the wire mesh.”

One person who did not want to be named but said it was the entertainment venue official said: “We were going to film a scene, so they told me. I helped friends. They were going to film an entertainment scene.” Then, lowering his mask , said: “We are deceived brother, they said we would film a normal Youtube program. I was sitting upstairs, I opened the door to the officers. I went down and this is the situation. I never came down, I was lying upstairs.”

Two young women, who escaped through the back door of the entertainment venue during the police raid, were found hiding in the toilets inside the Nakkaştepe National Garden. When one of the women saw the DHA chamber, she leaned over and leaned against the trash cans along the wall. Cursing and threatening, the woman said, “If you keep pulling me, I’ll hit my head on the garbage cans.”

Police teams took action on the people they were able to catch because they did not comply with the measures to combat the coronavirus epidemic and left during curfew hours. The entertainment venue was also sealed. The officials of the compound were taken to the police station to take their statements.

