At the intersection of the Sugar Factory in the Erciş District Haydarbey Distric"/>

He was arrested on suspicion in Van! Image found surprised


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At the intersection of the Sugar Factory in the Erciş District Haydarbey District, the organized crime fighting teams of the Erciş District Gendarmerie Command and the teams of the Central Gendarmerie Station Command and JASAT, during the controls of road that carried out around 23:30, the TIR was under suspicion of Van to Erciş, he searched while pausing. In searches carried out by the teams, a total of 218 illegal immigrants, including 142 Afghans, 33 Pakistanis and 43 Bangladeshi nationals, were caught in the trailer of the truck. As long as the truck driver on the subject is detained, the illegal immigrants will be turned over to the Van Provincial Immigration Administration Retreat Center after their procedures.

Vanda was arrested on suspicion Shocked image


218 illegal immigrants trapped in the trailer of the truck, which was detained by the gendarmerie teams in the Erciş de Van district, were taken to the center of the district on the municipal bus. The district governor and the municipality served hot meals to illegal immigrants, including children and women, after they were taken to the 12 Giant Man Sports Hall in Kışla district. The illegal immigrants were handed over to the Retirement Center of the Provincial Immigration Administration after their paperwork.

226 illegal immigrants were caught in the truck and truck in March

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On the other hand, while 114 illegal immigrants were captured in the second-floor compartment of the van, which stopped after causing the death of a person run over on March 5 in the Erciş district, on March 26, 112 immigrants were found illegal in the truck.

Vanda was arrested on suspicion Shocked image

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