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Dutch police were found to have used the phrase “One more Turk has declined” in connection with the death of a 16-year-old Turkish girl in their correspondence on social media groups.
According to the news published in the Dutch local media, an investigation has been launched against the Rotterdam police for “racist speeches” in WhatsApp groups.
In the scope of the investigation, it was determined that the police used racist and discriminatory statements against minorities, immigrants and Africans in the country.
“One more Turk is less”, for Hümeyra E., who died while one of the policemen was leaving school. It was recorded that he used the expression.
Rotterdam Police Chief Fred Westerbeke said the testimony used about Hümeyra E’s death should be condemned and “insulting”.
Westerbeke noted that the police were convicted and the investigation against them continued.
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Hümeyra E, who was studying at Rotterdam Designcollege, was killed by her ex-boyfriend when she was returning from school on December 16, 2018.
Hümeyra E filed a complaint with the police because she was upset, but her complaints were not taken into consideration.
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