Controlled opening decision in Germany: restrictions will last until March 28


At the 10-hour crown summit, held today by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of 16 states, it was decided that the restrictions would be implemented in a gradual and controlled manner or the restrictions would be tightened.

In making a statement after the summit, Prime Minister Angela Merkel stated that spring 2021 will be more beautiful than spring 2020: “We now have vaccine and testing opportunities as well as our experienced healthcare staff. We are in good shape. position as Germany compared to European countries. Germany survived the second wave of epidemics by fighting together. “We will succeed in the third wave by implementing the decisions we have made with the state prime ministers. If the number of epidemics increases, the restriction will be applied again. “

According to the UAV news; Due to the high rate of coronavirus cases in Germany, it was decided to close all stores except businesses such as markets, pharmacies, banks, gas stations, which covered basic needs, on December 16, 2020.
