Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared a death report sent to him by a doctor by Habertürk writer Fatih Altaylı and responded with a three-page written statement sheet to allegations that the number of deaths from the virus crown was low. Koca, who did not name Altaylı in his statement, used the following statements;
* We have shared all the developments clearly with you since the first day of the epidemic disease in the world. From day one, we have said that it is necessary to fight the epidemic and that no member of society should be excluded from this fight.
* We approach all our citizens, all members of political parties and all social groups, without any discrimination, with equal distance and with an embrace style.
* I see with regret that some of our politicians, journalists and colleagues who work in non-governmental organizations make assessments that can hinder our struggle under the name of criticism.
* Under the name of criticism, we have to wrestle with some baseless claims that will mislead society, confuse their minds, and disrupt our fighting power.
* No one has the right to be out of this fight and make comments that exhaust the hopes of society and lead to pessimism. We are determined to fight together. No one has the right to personalize and politicize this fight.
* Yesterday a death certificate was published in one of our newspapers with the name of a letter from readers and comments were made without knowledge. Although we have repeatedly affirmed that deaths should not be used as a means of calculation, although we want politicians not to turn them into a means of income, although we clearly raise logical errors, there are still assessments that insist on being wrong.
* If they are not malicious, we admit that they are not, they are simply comments made without knowledge.
* Why are our mortality rates lower even though we have more cases than Italy, France, Germany and England?
* In the early stages of the epidemic, the mortality rate of cases was around 1% worldwide. It is still within these limits in the US The death rate in the Netherlands and Denmark in the last month is 0.3-0.4%.
* The mortality rate in Germany, given as an example in the first period, corresponded to 0.8-0.9. Now, 9 months have passed since the epidemic. We get to know the disease better. We gained new experiences that could have an impact on treatment.
* However, approximately 6% of cases began to die in the last month in Germany, where the example was set. The situation of Turkey cannot be explained in this case that of Germany or is that robust? “We have many diseases, they have many deaths.” it does not mean anything.
* This determination is not sufficient to explain the situation. We explain the number of patients regardless of the number of cases. However, many countries do not explain it. Therefore, we do not know which country has the most patients. We know that our own infrastructure meets the load of our own patients and we manage it.
* We do not try to explain the situation with the young population. Young people also get sick. We also have youth losses. There is no concrete data showing the genetic resistance of the Turks.
* Unlike the world, we have advantages such as filming, contact tracing and detection, isolation applications, easy and free access to medication and therefore early start of treatment. It is clear that our health infrastructure is better than that of many European countries.
* I would like those who suspect that we are more successful in case finding, contact tracing, and patient follow-up and treatment to look our healthcare professionals in the eye and ask this question again.
* The best doctors in the world are Turkish doctors. They are none other than Turkish doctors, nurses and caregivers who know the patient as a member of their family and who put their lives to save his life. Of course, we take care of our patients better than anyone.
* Of course, we are more concerned about our citizens than anyone else. There is no explanation for the frustration of seeing the failures of countries said to have developed by ignoring them as successes. Let us be proud when one succeeds with our country and our people.
* The number of deaths does not seem low. It’s already low. So are we kidding ourselves with the system? What is meant by the system may be the World Health Organization algorithm regarding who is considered to be dead from Covid-19 and who is not dead from Covid-19.
* This rule is no longer for everyone, it is not a valid algorithm for Turkey. While statistics are kept, it is not possible that there will be no cancer deaths or deaths due to heart attacks for a year.
* To regulate this situation, the World Health Organization clarified the problem and determined which death was caused by Covid-19 and which was caused by non-Covid-19. This statement is no different from saying that the whole world is deluding itself.
* While Covid-19 treatment is in progress, it is claimed that those whose test results go from positive to negative are not accepted as killed by Covid-19. This is not true at all. In our system, if a person’s test is positive once and they died during treatment, this person is considered to have died from Covid-19, even if the test is negative later on.
* Yes, many European countries do not accept the death of Covid-19 that died during treatment 21-28 days after the first test. On the other hand, the coronavirus that caused the death, we consider it dead by Covid-19 and we record it in our statistics.
* The death certificate of a deceased citizen was shared and it was said that he actually died from Covid-19, but was not considered dead from Covid-19.
* First of all, is to provide your own document that suits an investigative journalist and back it up. A letter came from a citizen, I am not saying it, said a friend of mine, but I cannot say who he is, his focus is not journalism. The claimant must base their claim on evidence and support it.
* Our citizen was a 72-year-old male patient diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism, benign prostatic hyperplasia.
– You have a CRP test done in a private medical center on 11/08/2020.
– The test result is positive on 09.11.2020.
– As of 11/10/2020, home treatment begins.
– Called by the family doctor every 2 days. His wife is interviewed and asked for information about her condition. On the 10th and 12th of the month, it is determined that there are signs of a cough, no fever and shortness of breath. 14 of them are interviewed twice and suggestions are made. 16 of them are reported to have a cough and shortness of breath.
– When the complaint of shortness of breath begins, you enter a private hospital on 11.17.2020.
– Entered intensive care on 12/01/2020.
– Intubation on 02.12.2020.
– PCR tests are performed twice on December 1 and 13 and the results are negative.
– The patient dies at 09.15 am on 12.16.2020.
– The death form will be issued on 12/16/2020 at 10:30 am.
– The death form was approved by the doctor on 12.18.2020 at 1:51 p.m. and registered among the population.
Cause of death: Shock and COVID. (a) R57.9 Unspecified shock -1 days, b) U07.3 COVID-19-30 days, c) ..)
* We lose our citizens who were hospitalized on 11.17.2020, 1 month later, on 12.16.2020. In the “Method of Death” section of the Death Certificate for this patient, write “Noncommunicable Disease” (natural death). This statement does not mean that the person is not dead in Covid-19. This statement shows that the patient did not have an infectious disease in terms of burial (the patient’s PCR tests were negative) and did not die in a forensic event.
* Two diagnoses were included in the section of causes of death of the patient. These are specified as Shock and Covid-19. So we lost our patient to Covid-19. This patient is included in all of our statistics for having died from Covid-19.
It is unfair to make an accusation based on the patient’s death certificate. No one has the right to confuse this nation and interrupt the fight.
* From the first day of the epidemic, the kindness shown by each of our citizens to our struggle and the trust in our health army should not be eroded by such simple statements.
* This is useless to anyone. Turkey experienced the benefits of health infrastructure and the search for open qualified health personnel during this period and has submitted an application to set an example to the world. Let’s stop looking incomplete and be proud of our nation and its children.