Breaking News: A Remarkable Breakthrough on Puffer Fish! 1 gram is 1 million euros …


Prof. Dr. Fatih Özoğul stated that the TTX poison in the internal organs and skin of puffer fish is 3,000 times more effective than morphine and 1,200 times more toxic than cyanide. Prof. Dr. Özoğul stated that the venom of the puffer fish is used in medicines and cancer treatments abroad, and that research on this topic is becoming more common every day. Prof. Dr. Özoğul said: “TTX poison has been used in Canada, the United States and countries of the Far East in recent years due to its characteristic of being an anesthetic substance. It is also used in the treatment of drug addiction. Given Since this poison suppresses the drug demand of the person in drug addiction, the addict does not want to use drugs. Morphine 3 thousand times is also used as an analgesic in the treatment of advanced cancer because it has more impact. This poison does not feel the people because it blocks sodium channels in pain between neurons and they remain insensitive to pain. Currently, Turkey does not work on these issues. I think that if these microorganisms have the ability to produce this poison in sufficient quantity as a result of our research , a resource can be provided to our country by working with the relevant sectors ”, he said.


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Prof. Dr. Özoğul said: “In our study, we isolated the microorganisms in the internal organs and skin of fish. Can these microorganisms synthesize TTX? We are investigating it. In the research results, we will learn whether the microorganisms produce TTX poison when We isolate it. The poison of the puffer fish is a very expensive poison, as it is known. 1 gram has exceeded the level of 1 million euros. If we can produce this poison from the bacteria that we isolate, we will have produced it in our country and sold it To do this, we can earn foreign exchange and economic gain for the country.
