Cooper spoke to reporters at the “USA As Preferred Security Partner: 2020 Highlights and 2021 Outlook” briefing hosted by the New York Foreign Press Center.
Citing the sanctions taken against Turkey claiming that there is no other alternative in this regard Cooper, “The sanctions (relations between the United States and Turkey) will allow a new consensus and determine the paths to follow. found the evaluation.
Cooper, emphasizing that the two countries are allies, “being together in Turkey is a condition in which the best interest of the US and the NATO alliance, and it is best to seek a compromise in this area.” This is a situation that will require a bit of effort for us and our counterparts in Ankara. ”He used the expressions.
Turkey in the long term, emphasizing that they want to remain an ally of NATO Cooper, “The United States (with Turkey) wants to maintain close bilateral relations. Once again, we are not interested in not seeking a consensus in this area.” said.
Cooper said: “There is work to be done in this area. Interoperability and alliance point not only to the air defense perspective, there are integrated air defense solutions that address the Turkish perspective. ”He spoke.