The Interior Ministry sent additional circulars to 81 provincial governorates regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. In the Circular, it was recalled that the basic principles of the period of controlled social life, cleaning rules, mask and distance, as well as the rules and precautions to be followed in all areas of life, were determined and implemented in accordance with the recommendations. of the Ministry of Health and the Scientific Committee of the Coronavirus and the instructions of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
The circular noted that additional decisions were made as a result of the assessment of the status achieved in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak in the Presidential Cabinet, which met under the presidency of President Erdogan on December 14, and the decisions Additional taken are listed below:
* In the area of curfew restrictions applied on weekends, taking into account that Friday, January 1, 2021 is an official holiday, it will begin on Thursday, December 31, 2020 at 9:00 p.m., it will cover the entire Friday January 1, Saturday January 3 and January 4. The curfew will be restricted to completion at 05:00 on Monday, 2021.
* During the curfews that will apply between December 31, 2020 – January 4, 2021, the procedures and principles determined within the scope of the circular that we send to the provinces on curfews applied on weekends ( Saturdays and Sundays), Friday January 1, Saturday January 2 and January 3 It will also apply to Sundays.
* Until a new decision is made, during the weekend street restriction, fishermen / fish sales businesses will also be able to serve citizens between 10am and 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
* Lawyers and notaries, with the condition of limiting themselves to the execution of judicial functions such as lawyers / attorneys, hearings, statements, during the period and days in which the curfew is applied, in order not to negatively affect the business life of Year-end transactions to come, between the people and places in the scope of the exemption, limited to the time and route of the specified duties. additional. Intercity trips by lawyers with their private vehicles for the performance of judicial functions will also be allowed.
* The continuation of the practice will be ensured with respect to the nursery classes, whose activities are suspended until a new decision is made. All day-to-day public and private kindergartens will be able to start face-to-face education from today.
* With the circular previously sent to the provinces, the activities that include the general assembly of non-governmental organizations, professional organizations and superior organizations, unions and cooperatives that are public institutions, were postponed until March 1, 2021. The activities that included the general assembly held by the unions were also added to this area.
* UV filters will be installed in the mechanical ventilation / air conditioning systems of accommodation facilities that do not have a ventilation conditioning system, and regular and frequent maintenance will be guaranteed.
* Mobile HEPA filters in adequate number and power for the cubic meter of the area will be used in the general closed areas of the accommodation facilities without ventilation / air conditioning system. Your maintenance will be done regularly and your filters will be changed frequently.
* In accordance with articles 27 and 72 of the Public Health Law, these decisions will be taken urgently by the Provincial / District General Health Boards.
* There will be no interruptions in the application and no complaints will be generated. Those who do not comply with the decisions taken will be subject to administrative action in accordance with the pertinent articles of the General Hygiene Law. Necessary legal proceedings will be initiated in the area of article 195 of the Turkish Penal Code in relation to criminal acts. İHA