Cyberpunk 2077 hits a pirate on launch day


Developed for 8 years by CD Projekt RED, the producer of The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077 was destroyed by pirates as soon as it debuted. Full and compressed versions of the game have appeared on torrent sites, but we have an IMPORTANT WARNING that we consider to be of interest to all players.

Cyberpunk 2077, which has been busy with the game’s schedule for years, has finally made its debut. Although the first comments on the game were generally positive, the fact that the first version had many errors caused criticism. However, he couldn’t help but one of the biggest thrills in the game world so far.

Cyberpunk 2077, which debuted on PS4, PS5, and Xbox on the console side, was also available for PC via GoG, Epic Games, and of course Steam. It even managed to break the record for instant player on Steam. We can say that the production, which at the moment does not have an online game mode, has actually been attacked by pirates for this reason.

Cyberpunk 2077 fell into a pirate from day one with the influence of the culture it transmitted:

On behalf of other major gaming brands like Assassin’s Creed and FIFA, the developers have taken high security measures in recent years. They prevented the games from being attacked by pirates. However, it appears that CD Projekt RED was unable to take appropriate action on this, or even if due to possible infractions the game fell into the hands of pirates on the day of its release

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently listed on websites that do not have any security measures. Although there is no detailed explanation on the subject from the front of CD Projekt RED, both the instant player record broken on Steam on day one and the culture of the original game that has formed over the years, Cyberpunk 2077. the possibility of getting hurt reducing.

IMPORTANT WARNING: With the excitement of Cyberpunk 2077, accessing the game through pirate methods can put you at great risk.

cyberpunk 2077

The prices of console and PC games have risen enormously in recent months, but still, many gamers will budget for major productions that have been expected for years, such as Cyberpunk 2077, because production has been on the radar of most the players thanks to the excitement of many years. Here, the pirates seize this opportunity and They can use Cyberpunk 2077.

First of all, let’s point out that Cyberpunk 2077 is not as simple as other games on the pirate market, so it makes gamers a more obvious target. Also CD Projekt RED, new updates to do With older versions, access may be locked out and the game may be forced to open without an internet connection. For these reasons, hacked files can put both computers and the information on them at risk.
