Erol Bulut, who was asked to interpret the match “,All our footballers gave everything to the field. We played with 10 people for 40 minutes. Thanks to our referee, he extended it 8 minutes. In fact, I was waiting 16 minutes. He gave us 8 minutes. Having won, this team demonstrated what it can accomplish with 10 people.“He reacted to referee Ali Wordıyık, saying.
“It looks like we have more wins on the road and we play comfortably,” said Bulut.In fact, we need to play the games more comfortably in our own home. Do competitors close more there? Here we will try to resolve other matches as we resolve this match.“expressions used.
Fenerbahce technical director, Erol Bulut, who evaluated Serdar Aziz’s exclusion from the match with a red cardAs everyone was surprised by Serdar Aziz’s red card, I was surprised too. He gave a yellow card directly in front of us. The ball that bounced off his head hit his hand. First you have to ask the referee for the yellow card he gave, then the yellow-red card. I will not tell the referee anything. We will try to support our young referees. We will take care of that“I speak.