Is there a travel ban between cities? The question was a source of curiosity on the part of the citizens. While restrictions were imposed within the scope of anti-coronavirus measures, eyes turned to travel restrictions. So has a statement been made on the travel ban? Here are the details of the travel restriction …
After the Cabinet Meeting held from that day on, the intercity travel ban was also a source of curiosity. No official statement was made on the intercity travel ban.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced new measures. Erdogan said after the cabinet meeting, “The shopping venues, barbers and restaurants will remain open between 10:00 and 20:00.
The cinemas will be closed until the end of the year. It will only serve take out food in restaurants. There will be a coffee break for a while. “The ban on smoking will continue in the main streets and squares of our cities.”
Erdogan continued his statement as follows: “The provincial sanitation boards will be able to expand this practice. Details on all these issues will be included in the circular from our Interior Ministry.”
By making sacrifices, it is hoped that we will overcome this epidemic and see the future in a healthy and peaceful way. “