Efkan Ala became vice president of AKP


Efkan Ala was appointed a member of the Central Executive Board (MYK) and Vice President of Foreign Affairs by order of the President and Chairman of the AKP, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Efkan Ala drew attention with his statement as Interior Minister after the coup attempt on July 15, 2016, “74 of the 81 provincial police chiefs were FETO from December 17 to 25.”

Ala resigned from his post as Interior Minister, which he had held for three years, in 2016. In the 2018 parliamentary elections in Turkey, AKP Bursa deputy to Al Ejkar entering the Grand National Assembly, Executive Board and Central Decision of the AKP (MKYK) was serving as a member.


Born in Erzurum Oltu in 1965, Efkan Ala completed his secondary and preparatory education at Erzurum Imam Hatip High School, and his higher education at Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Science, Department of Public Administration. He completed his master’s in economics. He completed his internship abroad in England.

Efkan Ala, who was appointed deputy governor of Tunceli after serving as district governor in various districts, served as manager of the education branch and head of the provincial administration in the Ministry of the Interior.

Efkan Ala served as General Manager of Tourism Education and Consultant of the Ministry of Tourism in the Ministry of Tourism.

Efkan Ala, who was appointed Governor of Batman in 2003 and Governor of Diyarbakır in 2004, was appointed Deputy Secretary of the First Ministry in 2007 while he was Governor of Diyarbakır.

Al Ejkar brought to the Ministry of the Interior in 2013 61 62 64 and 65 served as Minister of the Interior in the Government of the Republic of Turkey. He left his job at the ministry in 2016.

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