For the Doğanlar and Rıza Bey apartments in the Bayraklı district of İzmir, which were destroyed by the earthquake in 2012 and 2018 ‘rotten’ it turned out that he gave the report.
According to the DHA report, after the report on the Doğanlar apartment at the request of the residents of the building, the authorities recommended a report from the Dokuz Eylül Earthquake Enforcement.
However, the residents of the apartment met in the cafeteria on the ground floor and could not agree. It was claimed that while some residents expressed their views on obtaining a report, some of them refused to receive a report in order not to leave their homes, and that report was not received after discussions.
It was claimed that some of the owners of the Rıza Bey apartment, who were mostly occupied by renters when they did not agree to the demolition, sold their houses and moved in.
İrfan Güneş, who lives in the building just behind the building, which appears not to be evacuated despite the report, said: “I also heard about the caries report. Subsequently, reinforcement was made and this work was closed with lining. A difficult situation. May God help the people. People continued to sit after the lining was done. After all, the building was full. Our building is also damaged, but on a minor level. These are construction-related defects. “
Mehmet Kaplan, who lives in the neighborhood, explained what he knows on the subject as follows: “In 2012 a report of cavities was received, but there were those who sat down despite it. The residents of this building were probably aware of this report, but the majority of them were tenants and not owners. Renovations were made to the lower floors. There was a beauty salon and shops. There is also the possibility that it was caused by them.. “
Bedri Onur, who lives near Rıza Bey’s apartment, used the following statements: “I had a loving report. He even had some friends sitting there, they sold their house because it was dangerous. They knew this building was unstable. There was strengthening, but when they did not benefit, they were exhausted. It’s a beautiful and central place, but the buildings aren’t strong. “
In the reports prepared by the municipalities for two departments, it was emphasized that both were built according to the 1975 regulations. The quality of the concrete was said to be low and they had a high risk.