Mevlid Kandili had very little time left. The Messenger of Mercy Hz. Mevlid Kandili, where we celebrate the birth of the Prophet, will be perceived by millions of Muslims in prayers and prayers this year. Hz. Mevlid Kandili, the birthplace of Muhammed SAV, will take place in October 2020. So when is Mevlid Kandili?
“Mawlid-i Nebi”, also known as Mawlid Kandil and night in Turkey, is of great importance to the Muslim world. The last prophet to present the messages of Islam to the public, Hz. The ceremonies organized to commemorate the birth of Muhammad began for the first time in history during the Fatimid era in Egypt. Before long, various ceremonies and festivities were held in the celebration programs, which were also adopted by the Eyyubilers. In celebrations of history, scholars, poets of the time and region, and those who were helpful in religious and state affairs, dressed in clothes (hil’ats), which are considered an ancient tradition in the states. Turkish-Islamic and prepared for the reward of the rulers, and gifts were given.
Hz. The Prophet (PBUH) recommended that some blessed days and nights be evaluated (Tirmidhi, Sawm, 39). However, he did not mention a special form of prayer or worship these days and nights. In this context, we need to see blessed days and nights as moments of forgiveness and opportunity to organize our lives. Therefore, believers should review the course of their lives on the oil lamp nights; They should repent of their mistakes and sins, take advantage of these opportunities by praying, reading and understanding the Qur’an, performing an accidental or useless prayer.
It is mustahabb to fast on the day of the nights of the Qandil, that is, the day after the night. Because Hz. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Worship in the midst of Shaban (that is, on the night of berat) and fast during the day. Allah manifests himself in the sky of the world with the sunset that night, and until dawn, he says: ‘No, I will forgive whoever asks me for forgiveness, or I will give sustenance to whoever wants sustenance from me, or I will give bonuses to whom he has suffered a misfortune, if he wishes … ‘(Ibn Mâce, İkâmetü’s-Salat, 191).