Matters related to military service preference, the classification and referral procedures for the Reserve Officer Candidate, Reserve NCO Candidate, and NCO Candidates to be recruited in the November 2020 classification period are explained in the following articles.
Ranking list for the November 2020 ranking period; Reserve Officer Candidate, Reserve NCO Candidate, and Officer / Enlisted Officer Status, through August 31, 2020 (inclusive); Those who have their citations, request early referrals and have their military service and summons, whose requests are accepted considering the need of the Turkish Armed Forces, and those who are excluded from the scope of military service in foreign currency / paid for deferment will be served .
Obligors who want to be recruited in the classification period of November 2020 must make their election of voting and military service and summons requesting the electronic government or the nearest military service until August 31, 2020 (inclusive). Those who do not opt for a citation for military service, even though they have been examined, will undergo a classification process according to their current knowledge and the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces.
The results of the selection and classification will be made known to the obliged subjects on October 23, 2020 through e-Government. Classified responsible parties will not be subject to reclassification. Among those obligated reserved for reserve officer / noncommissioned officer candidates, those who did not attend one-third of the education in the classroom and training center school during the call and referral period (including those who were classified in the previous classification periods ) will be referred to the military as a soldier. (Except the class and professions required by the TAF).
5. Transfer dates for reserve officer / noncommissioned officer candidates and enlisted men are given in the table. Obligated parties;
to. They will complete the e-Government “Kovid-19” questionnaire on the dates the shipping document can be received,
second. After the survey, they will be tested for “Kovid-19” in the health institutions to which they are directed,
C. Those obligated subjects who test positive or who are on the contact list, who do not receive the referral document within 5 days of the test date, and whose test result (even if negative) will be submitted to referral in the following call and referral period. Those who do not have a diagnosis and suspicion of Kovid-19 as a result of the test will be able to receive their reference documents from e-Government,
RE. Until they join the union of those who receive the referral document, they will comply with all the measures announced by the State institutions in the field of Kovid-19, military entertainment, dismissal, etc. will not perform activities,
to. Those who do not have the necessary tests in health institutions will not be sent to the military and will be taken to a minister,
F. Due to the Kovid-19 outbreak; In order to eliminate the risk of contamination and minimize contact, all transactions during the referral process will be conducted through e-Government, and transactions will not be conducted at military branches except in mandatory situations.
7. The education association with the address in the Address-Based Population Registration System of those who receive the money for travel and per diem, the reference document of the electronic government; Those who receive the reference document from the presidency of the military branch will be delivered on the basis of the presidency of the military branch and the training union. Obliged subjects may receive payments made to them from PTT branches with their identity documents or from PTT branches with PTT cards. Those who do not receive the referral document and those who do not attend the class school / training centers to which they were referred will be subjected to a ministerial procedure.
9. In accordance with article 27 of Military Law No. 7179, this announcement has the character of notification to the obligated parties.
10. Obligors can access the text of this announcement from https://asal.msb.gov.tr and TRT teletext.