While Kadir Şeker was trying to prevent Özgür Duran, who used verbal and physical violence against his beloved Ayşe Dırla in Konya on February 5, 2020, a fight broke out with Duran and Duran was stabbed in the heart and lost his life. In his statement, Şeker, who said that he intervened because he could not bear the situation of the woman in a difficult situation, said that he intervened by saying, “ Isn’t she a woman? ” He said Durán was injured during this time. Ayşe Dırla claimed that Duran did not hit her, they only argued that she was involved despite warning Kadir.
After the completion of the investigation and trial process, which attracted great public attention, a decision was issued last week. Kadir Şeker was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison for “deliberate murder”. Şeker’s family and lawyers appealed the decision. It was revealed that Kadir Şeker, who was taken to prison after the hearing, was quarantined. Father Cengiz Şeker told Hürriyet.com.tr: “We wanted to visit him to have an open view. However, when he returned to prison after the trial, he was quarantined and would remain in quarantine for a time. Such a request has been made as a coronavirus measure because he attended the hearing.
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