When will the universities open, will they open? Statement from the Minister of Health, Koca



The educational model of the University of Balıkesir (BAUN) has been announced to be implemented in the fall semester of the academic year 2020-2021. BAUN Rector Prof. Dr. İlter Kuş, in his written declaration, will be pronounced by the University Senate in the autumn semester of the academic year 2020-2021 within the framework of the ‘Declaration for the 2020-2021 Education and Training Period in our Higher Education Institutions’ and ‘New Normalization Process in the Global Epidemic’ dated August 13. announced that the decision on education has been made.

The statement included the following statements:

“When analyzing and evaluating the residences by the Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports, the statements of the Pandemic Committee of our city, the opinions of the academic units of our university, the risks that our students may experience in interurban mobility and the accommodation together and based on the safest education of our students, Our country, our city and our students have made decisions with the awareness that we must do our best to overcome the pandemic process with the least possible damage, so 4th, 5th, 6th grade students of the medical school and 5th grade of the veterinary school will receive a face-to-face education. All courses in the associate’s, bachelor’s, and postgraduate programs will be taught through distance education.

You want the decision that is made to be beneficial to our students, our city and our country. I offer my love and longing to our students. “


Rector of Batman University, Prof. Dr. Aydın Durmuş, in his written statement, stated that in accordance with the guidelines and standardization recommendations published by the Council for Higher Education (YÖK), they will carry out education and training with education to distance in the fall semester of 2020-2021. Stating that the issue of distance education was addressed in all its dimensions at the Senate meeting, Prof. Dr. Durmuş said that they decided to continue education mainly remotely, in addition to the courses applied in the School of Physical Education and Batman University Sports and the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Durmuş had this to say about the decision made:

“ Given the spread of the Kovid-19 epidemic that affects the whole world, in line with the recommendations of the Council of Higher Education, the Ministry of Health and the Scientific Committee, face-to-face education represents a risk for everyone in our Senate , so continuing education remotely in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year Our hope is to overcome this epidemic process as soon as possible and meet with our students, academics and administrative staff.


Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ) said in a statement made by the Rector of the ÇOMÜ Rector Prof. Dr. At the Senate meeting chaired by Sedat Murat, it was announced that decisions were made, including the Kovid-19 process. It was indicated that the fall semester will begin on October 5, and that only the practical courses will be face-to-face in grades 4, 5 and 6 of the Faculty of Medicine. The courses ‘Teaching Practice 1’ and ‘School Experience’ of 4th grade of the Faculty of Education will be carried out in person in schools affiliated to the Ministry of Education in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of National Education (MEB) and the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), “The Arabic Preparatory Program in the Fall Semester of the Faculty of Theology It was decided unanimously that the Exception Exam will be taken in person with the 1st grade instrument practice lessons (Main Instrument I and Accompaniment I) of the State Conservatory “. In addition, in the statement, it was shared that the graduate programs will carry out educational activities with mixed methods that can be applied remotely, in person or both, in line with the opinions of the departments.

In the statement that professors will come to the university for the online courses, the following statements were also made:

Internship applications can be done remotely online or as homework, midterms and final exams of distance courses are done online or assignments remotely, all materials of distance online courses are uploaded to the ÜBYS, each online distance course takes 20 minutes and the registration of the courses. It was unanimously resolved that the professors who will teach distance online courses (except those with special conditions) will take them in their offices or classrooms at our university ”.
