The identity of the suspect, who was arrested, was shocked … He has been living with a pink identity card for 48 years!


Cengiz Dayanmaz, Yavuz Dayanmaz and Sinan Öztürk were killed and four people were injured in an armed fight that broke out in front of a taxi rank in Istanbul’s Esenyurt district last Saturday. One of the suspects, Zeytin Aksun, was detained after her treatment at the hospital.

The gender part of the barcode given for Zeytin Aksun’s treatment with a pink identity card was written with ‘K’, representing the woman. (PHOTO: DHA)

It turned out that Aksun used a pink identity card for women. It was learned that the suspect, whose name was Olive when she was born, had a ‘pink’ identity card, did not change his identity for 48 years. It turned out that Zeytin Aksun, who did not do military service, had two children and the children were registered by their mother. Zeytin Aksun was sent to court and three suspects were arrested and sent to prison. (DHA)

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