Cheeky cheater! They called like bankers, raised the credit card limit and spent it, took out loans, paid off tax debts


The incident that caused much of the fraud to surrender took place on September 11. At 15.10, Mehmet Ç. Called by mobile phone. The person who introduced himself as ‘Aylin’ told Ç that he called from the bank where he received his pension for a while. The person on the phone added Ç. That the credit card limit can be increased and that you will receive a filing fee due to the loan you used earlier. Ç, who does not fully understand what is being said. phone daughter Ş. She handed it to A. and asked her to lead the meeting. ‘Aylin’ this time, Ş. He started talking to A. This person is Ş. She gave A. detailed information about her father’s credit cards at three different banks and the loans she used in the past.


After a while, the person on the phone was Ş. A., the father asked Mehmet Ç. Approve the SMS sent to your mobile phone. Numerous SMS received at 5-10 minute intervals. SA approved the SMS with links. The phone call, which was interrupted from time to time, lasted almost 3 hours. The person who introduced himself as ‘Aylin’ said that Ç had made a series of transactions ranging from accumulated money points to filing expenses from the previous period. As the meeting drags on, Ş. A. began to worry. Talking into a mobile phone headset, Ş. A. typed the number on the screen in the search engine while the conversation was in progress. Although his anxiety increased when he saw that the number beginning with ‘0 392 …’ was the Cyprus number, it was already too late.


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Before the person on the phone ends the call, Ş. He told A. that he had sent the receipts for all the transactions they made to the email address registered in the system. S. When A. looked at the email mentioned at the time and saw that there was no receipt, he made sure they were scammed. SA immediately called the three banks where his father had accounts. Ş., Which closed the credit card process. A. also blocked the accounts. Mehmet Ç. He went to the police station with his daughter and told her what had happened.


The scope of emphasis emerged when the relevant bank branches were visited. According to the documents received from the banks, the scammers made a transaction after receiving each SMS confirmation. First, the card limits were increased. The expenses were made with the cards whose limit was increased. In addition to the increase in the card limit, Ç. Two loans of 10 thousand TL and the other 30 thousand TL were withdrawn in the name of the company and transferred to the network accounts. According to bank records, two separate tax payments were made from Ç .’s credit card, which were deemed to belong to members of the network. One of the payments at the Istanbul Bahçelievler Kocasinan tax office was recorded as 798 TL and the other as 2 thousand 38 TL.


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Mehmet Ç., Who obtained a total of 70 thousand lire of profit, is meditating how to pay the debts formed with a monthly pension of 2 thousand 100 lire. Ç He said that he had worked as a merchant in Eminönün for almost 40 years and that such an event had happened to him for the first time. Claiming that he also had heart disease, Ç. “These things made me very sad. I can’t sleep at night. On the other hand, I tell myself how I fell in love with them, ”he said.


Mehmet Durmaz, the lawyer for the defrauded Mehmet Ç., Said: “As an employee of the bank, the caller has got hold of a large amount of personal data of the client. However, this data should only be in the corresponding bank. It is impossible for a 67 year old customer to do that much in 2-3 hours. Banks must stop the transaction and contact suspicious transactions directly. In addition, it is clear that additional security measures must be taken to prevent technology fraud in transactions involving people over a certain age. “It is obvious that the relevant banks are insufficient to take the necessary security measures and cause the victim to be defrauded.”
