President Erdogan’s Restriction Signal: We Have to Squeeze It Again


AKP President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made remarks after Friday prayers.

The highlights of Erdogan’s statements are as follows:


“Unfortunately, our people did not pay much attention to our warnings. We saw that the number of cases decreased in the provinces that received attention. When we relaxed it a bit, we saw that the number of cases suddenly started to increase, especially in Ankara and Istanbul. Now we have to re-tighten.

That is why the Scientific Committee and the Ministry of Health have to increase measures. We have made our approaches to places like public transportation and wedding venues more stable. We did not enjoy this. It’s just because of our sensitivity to our people. That is why our people should not have problems. Now a positive turn has begun in some of our provinces.


Our vaccine studies continue rigorously from the beginning, especially TÜBİTAK. In addition, the private sector continues these studies with our Ministry of Industry and Technology and our Ministry of Health. We see that we will receive some positive signals after the New Year.


Last week I had an acceptance with Mr. Serrac. So such a development is unfortunate for us. In a place like Libya, there were very negative events in Tripoli. With our intervention there, Mr. Serrac and his team came to the position of getting rid of the Haftar occupation. The coup leader Hafter is lost every day. Eventually, the coup leader Haftar will lose. We sent some news to Fakan Sr. Serrac. Our delegations can have meetings with the Government of National Consensus of Libya. We turn this business in the direction it should be.

Negotiations with Greece

Many heads of state or prime ministers have acted as intermediaries at our meetings. We had meetings with Chancellor Merkel, Commission President Michel, Prime Minister of Spain Sánchez and Mr. Conte. There is another approach. Could there be a meeting process with the Greek Prime Minister? There is no problem in negotiating with our Miçotakis. This is what we will find. It doesn’t make sense if they do what they do in Meis as an imposition.


If we take Oruç Reis to the port, it means something. This is a significant approach. After the maintenance work is completed, Oruç Reis will return to duty. Let us allow diplomacy. We did it so that Greece would welcome our approach and take a step forward. See you, there is no escape. If the Greek presidential candidate is going to come and show off, we will make a bigger one.


There are many different developments here. The intelligence talks with Egypt are separate, there were no obstacles for us, but the agreement between Greece and Egypt saddened us. The ties between Greece and Egypt and our Egypt are different. Interviews can be conducted.
