A government that has sold the institutions of the Republic will surely not hesitate to look at our house.


Journalist Can Dundarin the statement he made on the decision to ‘seize all his property as illegal if he does not go to court’ “,The 14th Superior Criminal Court, which hastily advanced the hearing in February, called me to attend the hearing today; He stated that if I don’t come, action will be taken on all of our assets. This 4-minute court decision is our 40-year effort. Of course, a government that has exhausted the labor of this people for a century, sold its forest, lake, deer and the institutions of the Republic will not hesitate to stare at our house. “Our duty is to continue saying what we know to be right with faith and stubbornness until our last breath.

CLIC – The ‘fugitive process’ begins for the journalist Can Dündar

He was sentenced to 5 years and 10 months in prison for covering the news about the MIT truck suspension in the Cumhuriyet newspaper while he was editor-in-chief. Can DundarThe decision to confiscate all his assets as a fugitive if he did not go to court given about him was evaluated on Artı TV.

The journalist Dündar made the following statement:

This year I have completed my 40 years in the profession. In 40 years, I have done nothing other than journalism, documentary or authorship. With the money we earn from our profession, we have a registered home and a summer residence for my wife and myself. And the house my late father left where my mother still lives alone.

The 14th Superior Criminal Court, which hastily advanced the hearing in February, called me to attend the hearing today; He stated that if I don’t come, action will be taken on all of our assets. What is at stake in the decision made by the court in 4 minutes is our 40-year effort …

I still have many cases, from the Gezi trial to Cumhuriyet, from MİT Trucks to Özgür Gündem, from the archive from December 17 to 25 to insulting Erdoğan; however, there is no conviction against me.

“The AKP is determined to refute its opponents in the grave if possible or in prison if not.”

I was fired twice, tried repeatedly, wrongly arrested and jailed for showing the file of illegal operation and government corruption. Even after my release, I went abroad and came back many times, defending myself in all the cases that were brought against me. However, after the shooting in front of the court, when the gunman was immediately released and treated like a hero, I understood the true intention of the government. The AKP is determined to refute its opponents, if possible, in the grave or in jail, who are not inside or have kept silent or are fighting for their rights by revealing their lives. They want me to submit to a justice where the prosecutors are suing by order and the judges by order; They say: “Otherwise, we take precautions for your property. A government that has seized and exhausted the centuries-old savings of this people, sold the land of the country, its forest, its lake, the deer, and the centuries-old institutions of the Republic. , of course, you will not hesitate to look at our house … But your final verdict will be dated.

My audience knows me through my documentaries. I made the documentaries on May 27, March 12 and September 12. I heard from witnesses that absolute power definitely spoils, and that the unjust throne is not left in the hands of sultans, juntaists, and dictators, and I exhibited it on the screen.

Today is September 17 … A story sheet that writes the sad end of a government that ruled cruelly, disobeying the law and crushing its opponents … It is our duty to fight for our country to be saved from this oppressive regime that has come to an end without such sad endings, with courage and faith. is to keep saying stubbornly. Until our last breath …
