Historic decision on public transport in Istanbul: All buses are connected to the IETT!


According to the unanimous decision taken at the September session of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Council, private public buses have gone down in history.

In providing information at the council session on the decision that radically changed the public transport system in Istanbul, CHP İBB council member and group secretary Mesut Kösedağı used the following statements:

* Private public buses, Transportation Inc., İstanbul Otobüs A.Ş., İETT come together under one roof. All buses will now be joined under the IETT roof in one color.

* The trips will be remodeled according to the metro routes. Therefore, IETT will be free of additional financial charges.

* A new era begins for private public bus drivers. There will be a uniform dress code, working hours and social rights will be regulated. The complaints of the people of Istanbul on public transport will decrease.


Stating that IETT will now organize flights to many more destinations in Istanbul, Kösedağı continued his words as follows:

* Public transport dragged into uncertainty during the pandemic process. Private public buses will now be guaranteed by IETT and IMM. Income and expenses will be determined every month. Grant payments will be lifted.

* It will be clear what all buses will earn each month. After 1 year of work, this point has been reached. This is a new era. Good luck to all the bus drivers and the people of Istanbul.


According to the information included in the offer prepared by IETT, 3 million 785 thousand trips are made daily with 5 thousand 697 buses on 814 bus lines in Istanbul.

Public bus transportation throughout Istanbul is provided by IETT buses with 5 legal entities representing private carriers, 1 affiliated with IMM.


In the proposal, it was noted that in public transport carried out by bus, an average of 80 million trips, 110 million TL travel income, 22 million kilometers per month were made, and IMM provided a subsidy of 71 million TL and support for student subscription of 11 million TL for private buses excluding IETT.

Despite this, it was stated that there may be significant differences between operators’ revenues. It was pointed out that the restructuring of the operating model of public transport has become mandatory for reasons such as travel income obtained from the public transport service in buses that does not cover operating expenses and heavy passenger transport.

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