Prof. Scandalous response from Mehmet Ceyhan


Prof. Dr. In his discussion with ilingirolu, Mehmet Ceyhan responded to a follow up saying “Why are these televisions targeting Ceyhan?”

Prof.  Scandalous response from Mehmet Ceyhan

Cardiology and Disease Expert Prof. Dr. Mehmet ilingirolu, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Childhood Infectious Disease Sciences Division and Infectious Diseases Association Minister Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ceyhan weighed each other on social media .

Prof. Mehmet ilingirolu, Prof. Dr. Share an old TV post by Mehmet Ceyhan about masks on Twitter. After the fight, Ceyhan said to his Ilingiro, “I wouldn’t put you in the position of a man and write an answer, but I should say that.” He answered. Tartmann for more details tklayn.

Prof. Dr. During the weigh-in, Mehmet Ceyhan responded to a follow-up that supported his attention, “Ask your mother and see if he’s bullshit.” Then Ceyhan deleted this share.


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