New ones were added to the list of fraudulent products that the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry regularly announces. In the previous statement, companies that contained fraudulent products such as horse meat, pork, poultry meat in many products were exposed. With the latest announcement, since 2012, 3605 batches of products belonging to 1609 companies have been presented to consumers.
As a result of the inspections, it was revealed that the companies resorted to many tricks in their products. In the Ministry’s statement the following statements were used: “Official control activities in all stages of the production, processing and distribution of food and materials in contact with food in order to guarantee food safety in our country, prevent imitation and adulteration in food, protect people’s health and consumer interests, and prevent unfair competition in the sector. as it is carried out with great care.
Here is the list of counterfeit, counterfeit and fraudulent products announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the companies that spread poison.