The Antalya Provincial General Health Board held an extraordinary meeting today in accordance with Article 26 of the Public Health Law No. 1593 to decide on additional measures to be taken to protect citizens in the corona virus epidemic and prevent the spread of the epidemic.
In the statement made on the decisions taken at the meeting, the following was expressed:
* 1. All our citizens who request the service or visit the staff who work in all institutions and public organizations and banks (including private banks) in our province are taken to the building questioning the HES code through the application “Hayat Eve Sığar “(HES) implemented by the Ministry of Health.
* 2. In article 2 of the decision of our Council of 14.08.2020 and numbered 2020/77; According to Circular of 16.03.2020 and numbered 5361, our citizens aged 65 and over, who cannot go out, can go out every day between 06:00 and 24:00, provided they respect the rule of social distance and wear a mask. Change the phrase 06: 00-24: 00 hours in this article to 10:00 – 17:00,
* a) Among citizens aged 65 and over who are under the restriction of the curfew, among businessmen, merchants, merchants, industrialists, self-employed persons and employees who document their situation, active insurance with SGK service certificate, tax registration , company authorization certificate, chamber card and union card. be exempt from curfew,
* b) Despite being 65 years of age or older, doctors, health workers, pharmacists, mayors, provincial directors of institutions, officials of social service organizations, etc., whose services will be necessary to ensure the continuity of public services due to the nature of their public function and the urgency of the current situation. public officials and those who perform public services (except cancer patients and organ transplant patients) since the curfew,
* 3. Implementation, monitoring and supervision of the aforementioned issues in a coordinated manner by the district governments, the general law enforcement units, the pertinent provincial and district directorates and the municipalities.
* 4. In case of non-compliance with the decisions made by the Provincial General Hygiene Board and each time separately,
* a) An administrative fine of TL 3,150.00 is imposed in accordance with article 282 of the General Hygiene Law No. 1593,
* b) An administrative fine of TL 392.00 is imposed in accordance with article 32 of the Crimes Law No 5326,
* c) In Article 195 of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, entitled “Measures in violation of infectious diseases … a person who does not comply with the measures adopted by the competent authorities is sentenced to a prison sentence of two months to one year.” Inform the judicial authorities for the discretion and execution of the necessary legal actions against those who violate this provision,
* d) In accordance with article 11 / C of the Provincial Administration Law No. 5442 and articles 27 and 72 of the Public Health Law No. 1593, our Provincial General Hygiene Board has unanimously been decided with.
The HES (Hayat Eve Sığar) Code is a code that allows you to safely share with organizations and individuals if you are at risk in terms of Covid-19 disease in your operations, such as transportation or visits within the scope of social life controlled. The HES codes that you share can be consulted through the application or through the services provided to the institutions.
This code only serves to reduce the risk of contamination that you will encounter during your time on the intercity public transportation that you will use. Covid-19 or our citizens with contact will not be able to use public transport. It is used to inform you if other people you are traveling with test positive for Covid-19 later on.
It has all the management of the HEPP codes that it produces. You can share or delete your HES codes as long as you want.
– Through the HES application, it is entered in the section “HES code transactions”. Click the “Generate HEPP Code” button. The CODE usage time is selected and the CODE is created.
– Write HES and leave a space between them, respectively; The TC identity number, the last 4 digits of the TC identity serial number and the sharing time (in days) are written and sent to 2023 as an SMS.
– The HES code is obtained from the E-Devlet website.