Weather: Sudden, short-term rain transitions are expected over the weekend: Watch out for floods, tornadoes, floods! (How will the weather be today?)


In some parts of the country, there will be sudden and short-term transitions of rainfall over the weekend.

NTV Weather Editor Dilek ÇalışkanHe said: “Short torrential rains are expected tomorrow in 15 provinces, especially Antalya, Bursa, Sakarya, Bolu, Karabük, Ankara and Konya.”

These precipitations can be sudden and severe due to the effect of the air temperature.


Çalışkan warned that the next two days should be careful about the rains, saying: “During these rains, there is the possibility of weather events such as lightning, hail, floods, tornadoes.”


Especially, the precipitation transitions that are expected to be seen in the western part of the country will be effective in Istanbul. Çalışkan reported that “in some districts of Istanbul, there will be short-term but effective downpours from Saturday night to Sunday.”

Dilek Çalışkan also listed the expected precipitation passages across the country as follows:

In the Marmara region; Sudden rains can be seen all over Balıkesir, Bilecik and Sakarya. There is also the possibility of heavy rain in Bursa.

Strong thunderstorms and thunders will occur throughout Ankara, the inner parts of Izmir and Antalya.

With the extreme temperatures observed in the central Anatolia region, heavy rains are expected in Konya, Kayseri and Çankırı.


In the Aegean, humidity is high and there is a risk of flooding. Rainfall is stormy and heavy in Aydın, Muğla, Manisa and Kütahya.

Watch out for heavy rains in Bolu, Düzce, Zonguldak and Karabük in the Black Sea. There is a short rain in the inner parts of Trabzon and Samsun.

In the east of the country, extreme temperatures continue to be effective.

5-day forecast map available on MGM website5-day forecast map available on MGM website
