Last minute… A terrifying explanation about the fault that caused 7 thousand earthquakes!


Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) Director of the Center for Earthquake Research and Application (DAUM) Prof. Dr. A group of earthquake experts led by Hasan Sözbilir is investigating seismic sources that have the potential to produce earthquakes in the trenches they dug in Manisa . Experts who excavated 7 trenches in the upper part of the Kırkağaç district overlooking the mountainous area launched an investigation into the Kırkağaç fault, which is about 25 kilometers long and is one of the three largest faults that have produced 7 thousand earthquakes in the city since the 5.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Akhisar district on January 22. The experts investigated the geological history of the fault in the trenches they dug.

Saying that they can see through the trenches if the fault produced destructive earthquakes in the past, DAUM Director Prof. Dr. Hasan Sözbilir said: “This study is actually a work requested by the Manisa Governorate. It is a study on the suitability of the military area for settlement here. We are investigating the suitability of the site for settlement as the Kırkağaç fault crosses in this region. We will see if we need to close this fault to the settlement or not. This study is a trench. After map the Kırkağaç fault, we open trenches in the fault and we can see if this fault has produced destructive earthquakes in the past. what time is it and what the fault is, then it will be revealed to us when to create the earthquake threat. Consequently, Turkey in The last few days you talked about the fault law within the scope of the need to be closed for construction on the fault, right? We are trying to answer the question, “he said.


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Stating that the Kırkağaç fault is larger than the Akhisar fault and its earthquake generating potential is 6.9, Prof. Dr. Sözbilir said: “After the 5.4 magnitude earthquake that took place in Akhisar the January 22 in this region, there have been approximately 7 thousand earthquakes to date. One of the major faults of these earthquakes is the Kırıkağaç fault. These 7 thousand earthquakes were generated by working 3 faults here. Akhisar, Arrival and Kırkağaç. The Kırkağaç fault is a larger fault than the Akhisar fault. The potential for earthquake generation is 6.9. This fault has produced an earthquake of this magnitude in the past based on the data we have done in our trench studies. evaluate it as a fault with the potential to produce an earthquake of similar size in the future, “he said.

Noting that the potential of 30 of the 32 known faults in Manisa to produce earthquakes is unknown. Dr. Saying: “When we evaluate the Manisa scale now, there are more than 30 faults in the city. As far as I know, there are 32 faults. We are currently in one of these 32 faults. We were on the Manisa fault recently. Unknown the earthquake generating potential of the remaining 30 faults. To find out this, 32 benefits are such trenches. How dangerous it is in terms of danger. Which fault has the potential to produce earthquakes in the near future, and the earthquake scenario is created consequently, it is the last point of current science. That fault causes an earthquake in the virtual environment. “And you can see how it collapsed. Those buildings are going to be improved. If we can do this, no one will die in the event of an earthquake, “he said.
