A criminal complaint against the graduates and students of Imam Hatip for the scandalous words of Erol Mütercimler


Kamber Çal, president of the Leader Imam Hatipliler Association, who was invited to the Homeland Meselesi program broadcast live on A Haber’s screens, responded harshly to Erol Mütercimler’s scandalous slanders about the imam hatip. Play, claiming that the Turkish brand of preacher Imam, Imam Hatip graduates and students about the complaint did not call Erol Mütercimler.

The statements of Kamber Çal, president of the Leader Imam Hatiplians Association, are as follows:

From the moment we heard this news today, we have shown our reaction very clearly. Our attorneys made their preparations immediately and we began filing a criminal complaint. We were all in Turkey, in particular with all the civil society organizations in Turkey Elo Imam, leader of the Imam Oratories Association on the relevant criminal complaint with this issue, but we just don’t want to stay in it. Because slander and these insulting things that are worthy of his mouth here are not really acceptable words.


We want this to be more widespread and we want to encourage all Imam Hatip graduates to file a criminal complaint. Because in fact, this slander, this style of approach that this gentleman presented is not really an acceptable approach. And we want to keep this topic very closed so that there are no attitudes that easily slander and insult members of Imam Hatip and the Imam Hatip community again. In this regard, we invite all imam hatip graduates to file a criminal complaint about this friend. You know, we had a very serious reaction on social media. Apart from that, we want to propose this reaction so that this issue does not have a serious psychological effect on our young people, especially on the imam hatip. Because, if you know this approach, there is an approach that seriously insults and insults both our students and the graduates studying at Imam Hatip schools. From this point of view, the subject is not an approach of an interpreter who comfortably criticizes the imam-hatip community and reveals the imam-hatip community in a sense. There is a clear slander, there is a clear insult. We do not want to get rid of this fact so that the approach that so comfortably alienates a society does not happen again.


Imam Hatip is a matter of a long process in Turkey. It was founded in 1951 and then, in all extraordinary periods, there were serious operations against Imam Hatip during all coups. We all lived very closely the period of February 28, it was an operation aimed entirely at the imam hatip community.

Imam Hatip for the TURKEY BRAND

But I want to underline this; As an imam hatip people, as a mass, as an imam hatip community, as a mass of millions of imam hatip graduates, 13 percent of the educational community is currently imam hatip. We have about 1 million 400 thousand students, 87 percent of them are in our other schools. Our other schools are our schools, and Imam Hatips are our Imam Speakers. The families of our 1,400,000 students who study in Imam Hatip schools give their children to Imam speakers because they prefer it. In this context, we want our students studying at Imam Hatip, Anatolian Science High School or High School, and our entire society, to develop a culture of coexistence. And we don’t want imam hatips to be used more as political material. Imam hatips is an educational institution, distinguished schools where the state determines the curriculum, inspectors monitor and follow, and which express true understanding of religion. Imam speakers from a brand in Turkey.
