The date of the KPSS result was a matter of curiosity after the exam. KPSS 2020 licensing sessions were held on September 6. After the General Aptitude-General Culture and Educational Sciences exams were completed, the candidates’ eyes were drawn to the date KPSS results will be announced. In accordance with the ÖSYM exam schedule, the date on which the results of the KPSS licensing exam will be announced has been announced. Candidates will know their results on the OSYM website. So when will the KPSS licensing results be announced? Here, the KPSS 2020 results date and details on the subject.
Each piece of the exam will evaluate itself. On each test, for example General Ability, the raw scores will be found by subtracting a quarter of the number of wrong answers from the number of correct answers, and the standard scores will be calculated using the mean and standard deviations of these scores.
For foreign language teacher appointments (German, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Russian) that are not examined within the scope of ÖABT, the Ministry of Education will use the KPSSP120 score type created from the Results of the Foreign Language Proficiency Test (YDS) conducted by ÖSYM. To calculate this score, the YDS / e-YDS result obtained in the corresponding year will be used (2020-YDS results obtained in the relevant foreign language in 2020 and the 2020 e-YDS results obtained before the application date exam).
The YDS / e-YDS results from the relevant year will be used in the calculation of the standard foreign language score to be used when calculating the KPSSP120 score. The mean and standard deviation values of the YDS scores of the candidates whose KPSSP120 score will be calculated will be calculated separately for each foreign language, and the standard foreign language scores of the candidates will be calculated using these values.
Candidates who do not have at least 1 raw (net) score on a test will not be included in the calculations for this test and a standard score will not be calculated for this test. The standard foreign language score will not be calculated for candidates who do not have at least 1 raw score on YDS.
After the exam, the questions that are decided to cancel by the Presidency of OSYM or the judicial authorities will be excluded from the evaluation and the score will be made by re-determining the score value of the valid questions.
The KPSS score types that will be calculated by weighting the standard scores obtained from the tests in Table-1 are shown in Table 2. Public institutions and organizations will use the KPSS scores that they choose from among these score types.
The weighted standard scores (ASP) will be calculated using the standard scores obtained from the tests and the YDS scores according to the weights shown in Table-2. For any ASP to be calculated for a candidate, that candidate must have all the standard scores used in the calculation of that ASP.
KPSS scores will be calculated using the candidates’ ASPs. The following formula will be used in the calculation of the KPSS scores. Therefore, for each type of KPSS score, more than 100 KPSS score distributions will be obtained. Public institutions and organizations will summon candidates for entrance examinations for Group A cadres according to their KPSS scores, and public institutions and organizations that will not conduct entrance exams will use their KPSS scores directly in appointments.