This was the number of cases only in Antalya … announced the provincial president of CHP Antalya


CHP Antalya Provincial President Nusret Bayar stated that the government did not follow a transparent path in the fight against the corona virus and that between 300 and 350 positive cases were detected daily across Antalya.

Antalya political newspaperAccording to the news on the news, the provincial chairman of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Nusret Bayar, made a general assessment of Antalya province. In his statement, Bayar said that the government was not transparent in the fight against the coronavirus and that the daily number of positive cases in Antalya was around 300-350.

Nusret Bayar invited the AKP government to be realistic in the fight against the epidemic and stated that the data announced by the Ministry of Health does not reflect the truth.

Affirming that every day 300-350 positive cases are detected in Antalya province, Bayar, “The fight against the epidemic is not like that, he said. Returning to scientific methods and health professionals must be equipped with medical equipment. said.

CHP Antalya Provincial President Nusret Bayar made the following statements in his written statement:

“The AKP government has not been successful in managing the epidemic or in governing the country. Real data is hidden and a policy is followed that is far from transparency and does not give confidence.

If schools open on September 21 and the necessary precautions are not taken, a much worse picture awaits us. It is necessary to undertake a transparent, realistic, honest and participatory struggle in the light of reason and science, and to follow a community policy focused on health, mobilizing all opportunities.

The demands of dedicated healthcare workers in very difficult conditions must be answered as soon as possible. Kovid-19 should definitely be included in the scope of occupational diseases for healthcare workers. Working conditions must be improved, health workers must urgently equip themselves with medical equipment protected against Covid-19.

The AKP government to reverse all these mistakes, fight the epidemic realistically and meet the demands of healthcare workers; We invite the Scientific Committee and the Turkish Medical Association to put aside economic calculations, interest politics and ego, and urgently bring together the Scientific Committee and the Turkish Medical Association to determine and implement the necessary measures with scientific methods.
