Last minute | Diyanet’s strong reaction to the disgusting event: Cruel hands reaching out to our innocent children …


Latest news: Directorate of Religious Affairs “,Our children, the most precious that God has entrusted to us, deserve to grow up in a safe and peaceful environment and be protected from all kinds of neglect and abuse. Therefore, it is an indispensable duty of all to fight against child abuse and the dishonest, treacherous and cruel hands that reach our innocent offspring.found in the description.


In a written statement made by Diyanet, it was reported that the serious incident, which was reflected in the media and where a child was abused, was closely followed. In the statement, We fully believe that this incident, which has been brought to the judiciary, will be clarified in all aspects as soon as possible and will be given the severest punishment it deserves. Therefore, it is an indispensable duty of all to fight against child abuse and the dishonest, treacherous and cruel hands that are extended to our innocent descendants. We invite everyone to take responsibility for protecting both our religious feelings and values ​​and our students from abuse.. “It was said.

Eyüp Fatih Şağban, who introduced himself as the ‘Sheikh Fatih Nurullah of the Usşaki order’

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