In schools that started distance learning on March 16 due to the new type of coronavirus, it was unclear when the bell would ring for the start of the formal lesson. On the one hand, the Ministry of National Education, which manages the crisis, prepares schools for the new period under five headings, such as back to school, post-epidemic measures, actions to be taken by age groups, studies for parents and transformation of the physical environment. The Ministry of National Education, which works on many formulas in a provision of seats according to the rule of social distance in classrooms, has been tendered today for new desks, considering the need that may arise. One of the formulas designed to reduce contact between students is to divide the classes in two. Therefore, it focuses on minimizing the number of students who spend a lot of time in the classroom.
In the new training period, hygiene rules and masks will continue to be important as in other areas. However, since the main masks of the standard masks will not be compatible with all high school students, simulations are also made on the shape, size, and number of the mask to be distributed to students. MEB, after the epidemic “Facilitating school compliance, help guide for children and youth for schools” Prepare. Thanks to the guides prepared for students, parents and teachers, the questions that may arise in the mind of the measures will be answered.
TRT EBA, where students receive training during the Kovid-19 process, the EBA educational information network, and distance learning studies in live classrooms are also among the options for the coming period. Moving the EBA infrastructure to international accreditation, MEB is preparing a full-time foreign language education package in the summer. He plans to establish a foreign language education center with level groups related to foreign language education every day. In this case, the student will have the opportunity to find the advantage of reading the books of a higher class. In-service teacher training will continue in the summer. MoNE was said to be in excessive demand, which opened in-service training programs.