Sharing Minister Koca’s Nurses Day


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, in the video he shared on his Twitter account, “Nurses, the hero of the day, my dear teammates, the world is more aware of May 12 than ever before. May 12, Nurses Day is celebrated as a “hero’s day.” During the days of the struggle, you are a hero in the conscience of society with the sacrifices you showed. ”


In affirming that the art of medicine is always practiced with nurses, Minister Koca stated:

“History writes everything. But there were also things he forgot to write. The art of medicine was always accompanied by nurses. When doctors established modern medicine, nurses also contributed to it. Human history should give the name of more nurses than the culture mentioned today. Personally, I think we have many nurses who will go down in the history of this period of pandemic. The struggle of our health workers must be recorded at high risk. Nursing is a profession that requires strong personality. It means a high capacity for observation. Each nurse is a communication teacher. The nurse learns new things about humans and diseases in each patient. Nursing includes information and art together as in all medicine. “

Noting that nurses were very good at their duties during the epidemic period, Koca mentioned the words of historian Stephen Ambrose: “You can’t praise nurses too much”, “The Turk is exactly like this:” The more you praise nurses , more you tell the truth. . ‘He is jealous of that promise. That being said, the first time today, I should have been in Turkey. May 12 Nurses Happy Days, “he said.

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Minister Kocadan Nurses Day sharing
